Windows 10 File sharing 10 to 7


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2012
The first three days of Win10 were good, then an update and a reboot and windows 7 can no longer access shared files on the Win10 machine. Files that were shared somehow magically come up as shared even though they have not been shared this time or may NOT even be mounted.

Not that it matters, since win7 can't access them anyway. The problem seems to be with drives that are “created” by true crypt Windows 7 handles the as any other drive, where Windows 10 seems to handle them but denies network access to them, giving a don't have permission error.

Win10 can access Win7. Win7 cannot access Truecrypt files on win10.

Any clue how I might resolve this problem?
Yes, that precise one, and it you really believe that it was proved to not work, I have a bridge I could sell you. It is out of date though, and no longer supported. The wiki does point to some newer ones. Thank you for that.