
New Member
Sep 8, 2009

I have a problem with windows 7 build 7600 x64. When I'm downloading torrents windows completely freezes. Sometimes after 1 minute, sometimes after an hour. I have to hold the power button to reboot it. This doesn't happen when I'm not downloading with bittorrent.

Intially I thought it had something to do with the software I was using; utorrent. But the problems also occurs in azureus (vuze) (tried to run both in compatible mode). I also tried downloading large files in firefox, and copying files to my disk to see if the problem would occur then, but it didn't. I checked the windows logs but I couldn't find anything interesting there.

I read somewhere that system freezes are often caused by hardware drivers. For this readon I installed the official network driver to see if that would help but it didn't (network worked out of the box in windows 7)

I'm completely puzzled Does somebody know what this could be? Or maybe what I should be looking for in the windows logbooks? I've never had this problem on windows xp, vista and ubuntu.

It looks like the problem is solved. Yesterday there was a windows update available: "Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller" so an update for my network driver. I've installed it and the problem hasn't occured since (downloading about 24 hours now)

On another windows 7 forum I read there was somebody with almost the same problem. He had a windows freeze only when browsing, so not with other internet apps. His problem was also solved by a windows update for his network chip.

Checkdisk also repaired my data drive. But I don''t think this is what caused the freezes because I was able to copy large files to that disk without a problem.

I'll keep downloading for a while to see if the problem is really solved, if...
Hi Cyrusthevirus,

normally the download managers your using have an extensive help section and guide on better downloading, it might be worth checking them out?
Thanks for your reply

I've checked documentation of both utorrent and vuze but found no mention of a system freeze.

I think the fact that the same problems occurs in both torrent download managers points out that it's more of an OS issue. But I will look a little bit more into the documentation to make sure.

My brother who has a computer almost identical to mine and also runs the same windows 7 build ,doesn't have this problem.

Any more suggestions would be very much appreciated.
It may well be that drivers are causing the issue.. Can you initiate the download whilst in 'safe mode'? If it doesn't freeze then you know it's a driver..
Just for the record what is your system spec?

That's a good idea, trying it in safe mode. I will try that

Right now I'm downloading to my windows 7 home partition, instead of to my data disk, and I haven't had the problem since (downloading for 3 hours now)
The difference between those two partition is that they are on different physical drives and that my data disk was formatted (ntfs) in windows xp. Maybe my data disk is broken. Or maybe the windows xp formatted ntfs is not compatible in windows 7?
Anyway, I will let it download for a while to see if it will freeze. If it does I will try it in safemode.

This is my system:
Motherboard: Asus P5k
CPU Intel quadcore Q6600 @ 2,4 Ghz
Video card: Nvidia Ge-Force 8800GT
- Samsung spinpoint 750GB (3 partitions: windows xp, windows 7 x64 and ubuntu x64)
- Samung spintpoint 750GB (1 data partition)

NTFS should be fine with 7.... You could also try running chkdsk on your data disk and see if that resolves anything?
Best of luck..

Let me know how you get on..
Well, I'm back at zero
This morning I continued downloading to my windows 7 partition and after 5 minutes it crashed. Then I booted into safe mode (with networking) and tried it again. After a couple of minutes it crashed again! So it might not be a disk problem after all.

I also ran chkdsk on my data partition. It found some issues, and those were fixed. I was going to make a screenshot of the report but my system crashed before I could save it.

I will try downloading again now that my data disk is fixed and see what will happen.

I also tried downloading on my laptop in windows 7. The problem hasn't occured yet there.

Thanks for your help
Thanks for the update Cyrus...

Interesting that chkdsk found some issues.. I wonder if the disk is damaged? Also with it crashing out under safe mode then we can be pretty sure that it isn't a driver causing the error..
I'll wait and see what your next test turns up..
I dont think build 7600 was an official release was it? and it may be suspect IE buggy. Try RC build 7100.

It looks like the problem is solved. Yesterday there was a windows update available: "Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller" so an update for my network driver. I've installed it and the problem hasn't occured since (downloading about 24 hours now)

On another windows 7 forum I read there was somebody with almost the same problem. He had a windows freeze only when browsing, so not with other internet apps. His problem was also solved by a windows update for his network chip.

Checkdisk also repaired my data drive. But I don''t think this is what caused the freezes because I was able to copy large files to that disk without a problem.

I'll keep downloading for a while to see if the problem is really solved, if not I will post it here.

Thanks again for your help

I absolutely love you ! Because of your excellent documentation of this problem i was able to finally get rid of this incredibly persistent problem that has been haunted me for so long.

Also. Random total computer Freezes when playing WoW are also fixed by the driver update.