
New Member
May 23, 2009
I am running Vista Business on a Dell Latitude D620. The other day when I booted up, I noticed my gadgets were all weird. They were either not loading completely, or some were simply little white boxes. I have seen the issue resolved elsewhere on the net by fixing .dll files and whatnot, and I have tried several of these fixes, but to no avail.

Then today, I started up AIM6, and I found that the box where I would normally view a conversation is completely blank no matter what. I cannot see a history of the conversation; what I write, or what the other person does. I feel like these things are related because AIM was working fine before the gadgets issue. Any thoughts?
From what you say it is possible that some files may have been corrupted during the 'upgrade' process especially when you say that it went wrong due to a corrupt disk.. I'd wait for your new disk and then do a clean install.
Scan for viruses....and spyware/malware. In case you need one a good free anti-virus program is AVG 8.5

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I actually did just run AVG 8.5, and it came up with a few tracking cookies, but nothing else. I also ran Spybot. Any other ideas?
I did install a game recently. I uninstalled it, problem remained. I decided to try to do a system "upgrade" by upgrading to the same version of vista that I'm already using with my vista disk, but it didn't work...said the disk was corrupted. I complained to Dell a lot and they eventually agreed to give overnight a new one to me for free. So, we'll see if it works.

FYI, if you try to do this, you have to uninstall Service Pack 1 and Windows PowerShell before running the disk.
From what you say it is possible that some files may have been corrupted during the 'upgrade' process especially when you say that it went wrong due to a corrupt disk.. I'd wait for your new disk and then do a clean install.
Well, it quit on me during the first phase, copying files. When I cancelled the upgrade process, it said nothing had been changed on my system, so I think it should be fine. I really want to avoid doing a clean install if it's possible. So, I'll try to do the standing upgrade again with a good disk first.

I got Dell to overnight me a new disk for free, but they sent me a 64bit version instead of 32, and I know for a fact my drivers are not all going to be happy with that. After spending 20 minutes convincing a Dell tech that 64 is different and not necessarily better, they finally have agreed to ship me the right one.

Should be here by Monday.