I have an answer to this.
If your pc freezing this might be with outdated drivers.
If your pc goes black:
1. To work temporarely restart your computer by pressing the button
2.This could be your video cable
3. How i fixed mine:
Replaced HDMI with DP cables.
If your pc doesnt wake up after sleep try pressing the power on button on your pc.
pc restarts? This should be a virus shutdown. OR You set something in settings. May fix if you factory reset your pc, BUT MAY FIX IT.
1. irql not less or equal is something with drivers i fixed it by reinstalling drivers if doesnt work then reinstall windows clean.
memory management This is bad.Run cmdas administrator and running this command:
1. cd..
2. cd..
3. chkdsk.exe /f /r
And Backup...