Windows 10 Game Crashes (with dump files)


Apr 26, 2020
Hello everyone,

I have multiple problems which occur on daily basis. Here's the list:
  1. PC is freezing while browsing or playing games;
  2. Monitor is going black while PC turned on and active while playing some games;
  3. PC not waking up after sleep;
  4. PC restarts while being idle;
  5. BSODs mostly when playing but sometimes completely randomly (last two of them were IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL and MEMORY MANAGEMENT)
I've tried many things from reinstalling Windows to updating drivers but nothing helped.

I would appreciate any help on this topic because it's ruining my day completely.
I have an answer to this.
If your pc freezing this might be with outdated drivers.
If your pc goes black:
1. To work temporarely restart your computer by pressing the button
2.This could be your video cable
3. How i fixed mine:
Replaced HDMI with DP cables.
If your pc doesnt wake up after sleep try pressing the power on button on your pc.
pc restarts? This should be a virus shutdown. OR You set something in settings. May fix if you factory reset your pc, BUT MAY FIX IT.
1. irql not less or equal is something with drivers i fixed it by reinstalling drivers if doesnt work then reinstall windows clean.
memory management This is bad.Run cmdas administrator and running this command:
1. cd..
2. cd..
3. chkdsk.exe /f /r
And Backup...
So here's the thing: I had BSOD loop of somewhere near 10 after turning PC on for the first time in the morning, and trouble starting windows. This happened yesterday and today. I'm attaching minidumps, only 2 of them are given in folder.
I will go crazy someday because of these BSODs


The first dump blamed the gpu driver..

Any chance you can borrow a gpu too?

How is the testing going? Still waiting on the RAM?
The first dump blamed the gpu driver..

Any chance you can borrow a gpu too?

How is the testing going? Still waiting on the RAM?
Yeah waiting for RAM. As I said this AMD Software is problematic, even though I've used DDU. Though I haven't got any crashes while playing games after using DDU.
Hello again,
I just got BSOD while just browsing chrome. Could you please tell me the reason is still GPU driver? Is there a way to read through these dump files by myself and get the reason causing it?


While Radeon Software is not running I don't have any issues. This observation is legit I can tell now. I have BlueScreenView so should just be googling for example "ntoskrnl.exe" or is there some additional info that says anything more precise.
is basically an umbrella term for various system services like memory management, cache manager and others. Ideally your looking for clues as to what driver, process or app has caused the bsod.
Your system I would suspect either the RAM or gpu to be at fault but then again I could be completely wrong and until you can test with different hardware it's going to be hard to trace which is the actual culprit.