Solution W W Whammerist Dec 16, 2015 Yes, the mouse is moving towards those icons. Don't know what a dual channel DVL connector is, so I'm assuming not.
Yes, the mouse is moving towards those icons. Don't know what a dual channel DVL connector is, so I'm assuming not.
W Whammerist New Member Joined Dec 16, 2015 Messages 3 Dec 16, 2015 Thread Author #2 Link Removed Link Removed Upvote 0 Downvote
Neemobeer Cloud Security Engineer Staff member Joined Jul 4, 2015 Messages 8,999 Dec 16, 2015 #3 My question is when you move the mouse near the icons, do you see the mouse moving near the duplicated icons? Some vidoe cards can do cloned displays on a single monitor, also is this connected with a dual channel DVI connector? Upvote 0 Downvote
My question is when you move the mouse near the icons, do you see the mouse moving near the duplicated icons? Some vidoe cards can do cloned displays on a single monitor, also is this connected with a dual channel DVI connector?
W Whammerist New Member Joined Dec 16, 2015 Messages 3 Dec 16, 2015 Thread Author #4 Yes, the mouse is moving towards those icons. Don't know what a dual channel DVL connector is, so I'm assuming not. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Yes, the mouse is moving towards those icons. Don't know what a dual channel DVL connector is, so I'm assuming not.