Coen Boomkamp

New Member
May 18, 2008
I have a problem with the following service: Group Policy Client Failure
Everytime my legal Vista Ultimate starts up I will get the following message:

Link Removed due to 404 Error

I was hoping someone can help me fix this so i wont get this message everytime.
Here are some specs about my system:

CPU: Intel Single Core 3.00 Ghz
Motherboard: Asus P5N32 SLI SE Deluxe
RAM: PQ1 3GB 1066 Mhz.
Videocard: Asus 9800 GX2 1024 MB

Thanks in advande,

Coen Boomkamp

The reason included the link is because your answer lays hidden in your system event logs (hopefully, I say hopefully as sometimes the answers are a little obscure). You can find these by going to you control panel, System and maintenance, Performance information and Tools, (in the left hand green column) click Advanced Tools and then at the top of the page Event log.. Trouble is, at times this can be like looking for a needle in a haystack..
You could also try on the vista button (start button) and in the search box type 'services.msc' (without the quotes) and hit enter. You will now be looking at a list of services which operate on your pc, scroll down and make sure that Group policy clent is set to 'automatic', if it...
The reason included the link is because your answer lays hidden in your system event logs (hopefully, I say hopefully as sometimes the answers are a little obscure). You can find these by going to you control panel, System and maintenance, Performance information and Tools, (in the left hand green column) click Advanced Tools and then at the top of the page Event log.. Trouble is, at times this can be like looking for a needle in a haystack..
You could also try on the vista button (start button) and in the search box type 'services.msc' (without the quotes) and hit enter. You will now be looking at a list of services which operate on your pc, scroll down and make sure that Group policy clent is set to 'automatic', if it isn't change it..
