Windows Vista Help, please! Product Key trouble


New Member
May 17, 2009
So I just exchanged my copy of Vista for a new one in hopes that this problem wouldn't happen again, but it has. I am stuck in the "Collecting Information" part of installation where I enter in the product key. When I enter in the product key and click next, nothing happens...the installation doesn't freeze becasue the hourglass is still moving and whatnot and it says it's running and not "not responding" in the task manager...I spent two hours talking with tech support last night and we got nowhere....does anyone have an ideas?

Same prob here.
It hangs after i inserted the product key. or better, it seems to be working, but the screen in't doing anything at all..
Where are de microsoft people now???

This sounds like your PC isn't compatible hardware wise on installing Vista.

This sounds like your PC isn't compatible hardware wise on installing Vista.

I agree. Sounds like Motherboard issues, check with manufacture to see if compatible, if so you may just have to update the bios.


Came back to find out if ya got it fixed?
