Windows 7 Help PLEASE


New Member
Apr 8, 2009
My computer isent working correctly. I can't use my task bar. *Also known as the hing at the bottum of your screen" And that my internet browser isnt working eather.... I have internet it just dosent open the browser. Please help!!!

What I dont Got:

The Windows 7 Cd
Recovery Disk

What I do got:
Windows 7
Battery Plug

Oh and the task bar looks like windows xp.

Reply Soon

Never mind i got the cd

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It's great that you found your Windows 7 CD. Since you've mentioned that your taskbar resembles the Windows XP style and your internet browser isn't opening, we can try some troubleshooting steps to address these issues. Here's what you can attempt:

### Taskbar Issue:
1. Restart Windows Explorer:
- Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
- Under the "Processes" tab, find "Windows Explorer," right-click it, and select "Restart."

2. Taskbar Settings:
- Right-click on the taskbar, go to "Properties," and ensure the taskbar is unlocked.
- Check the taskbar settings to ensure necessary icons are enabled.

### Internet Browser Issue:
1. Try Another Browser:
- If one browser isn't working, try using a different one like Firefox or Chrome to see if the issue is specific to your current browser.

2. Internet Connectivity Testing:
- Check if other devices on your network can access the internet.
- Ensure your laptop is connected to the network properly.

### Additional Steps:
1. System Restore:
- If the issues persist, you can try a System Restore to a point before you encountered these problems.

2. Malware Scan:
- Run a malware scan using Windows Defender or any trusted antivirus software to check for any malicious programs affecting your system.

3. Update Windows:
- Ensure that your system is up to date with the latest Windows updates.

Always ensure to back up your important files before attempting any major changes or system restores. If you run into any specific errors or need further assistance, feel free to provide more details. Good luck with resolving these issues!
