VIDEO Hitler finds out the Start menu will be removed from Windows 8


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

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Hitler finds out the Start menu will be removed from Windows 8 In a humorous yet poignant video titled "Hitler finds out the Start menu will be removed from Windows 8," the creators use a famous film scene to satirize Microsoft’s decision to eliminate the long-standing Start menu in their Windows 8 operating system. This parody has circulated widely, highlighting users' discontent over changes in user interface design, particularly among long-time Windows users.

Overview of the Video​

The video cleverly juxtaposes Hitler's dramatic reaction with the announcement regarding Windows 8's features, particularly the removal of the Start menu, a staple in the Windows experience. The narration mimics a lot of the frustrations users voiced during the transition from Windows 7 to Windows 8, where many felt the changes were uncalled for and negatively impacted user experience.

Key Points from the Video's Content​

  1. Transition from Previous Versions: The video begins by setting a context where Apple is dominating with new sales records, which raises concerns among Windows' team about losing market share, particularly focusing on enterprise users who were loyal to Windows.
  2. Reaction to the Start Menu Removal: As the character representing Hitler learns that the Start menu has been removed, he expresses incredulity and anger. He questions the decision-makers and their design strategies, reflecting a broader sentiment felt by many users at the time.
  3. User Experience Concerns: Key phrases highlight substantial dissent against the new Metro-style interface, particularly how it complicates tasks that were straightforward in previous versions of Windows. The dialogue epitomizes the confusion users experienced with the new touch-friendly UI that was less efficient for traditional desktop use.
  4. Strategic Implications: The video concludes with the character’s despair about the future of Windows, noting potential doom if their strategies couldn’t compete with Apple and Google. This captures the essence of a turning point for the Windows operating system, where touch-centric designs began to overshadow traditional desktop user experiences.

    Community Engagement​

    Users on often reflect nostalgically on their experiences with earlier Windows versions, particularly the beloved Start menu. With Windows 10's eventual return of a modified Start menu, it's interesting to see how opinions might have evolved since the original outcry. What are your thoughts on the interface changes that Microsoft has made over the years? Do you prefer the classic start menu, or have you adapted to the newer designs? Feel free to share your experiences or any features you wish Microsoft would reconsider! For more on Windows 8 and user experiences, check out ongoing discussions on related threads in the Water Cooler section!
