Windows 10 How can I fix this permission denied on windows10?

a common noob

New Member
Jun 2, 2022
I tried to connect to a remote server (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64) on windows 10 through PowerShell. I used the command 'ssh root@remote-ip-address', and after I entered the cleartext password of the remote, all it said was 'Permission denied, please try again.'

However, I succeeded following the same route in mobaxterm.

What caused the error in PowerShell? How should I fix it?
You're calling a binary (ssh) from powershell, so the error isn't powershell. Try adding the verbose switch to get more details
You're calling a binary (ssh) from powershell, so the error isn't powershell. Try adding the verbose switch to get more details
It seems that I should change the configuration to 'PasswordAuthentication yes', but I can't even find the config file in windows (with the help of google).
C:\Users\<username>\.ssh\config is the file location. You'll likely need to create the directory and file.