Windows 7 How do you find the IP of a computer on your LAN?

Cardinal System

Honorable Member
Jan 24, 2016
The title says it all. How to I find the IP(s) of computer(s) on my LAN?

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Screenshot (277).webp

open a command promt
type arp -a and press [enter]

p.s, a better option may be to log in to your local router using a browser... then look for the dhcp settings

You can also login to each computer bring up a Command Prompt as in Norway Post #2, and type "ipconfig" <enter>. On my laptop here, it's current IP on this LAN is The local Gateway of the Cable Modem is
As shown here:
IPCONFIG Screenshot 10-21-2016.webp

Repeat this procedure on each computer connected to your LAN.

Have fun!:teeth:

Using arp should be pretty accurate as @ussnorway suggested. Basically everytime a device on the same LAN is trying to locate the gateway it will send out a broadcast query. Every system on the LAN will see this and add it to its own arp cache. You can also use a network scanner such as zenmap Zenmap - Official cross-platform Nmap Security Scanner GUI which also can identify open ports and OS fingerprinting to name a few things.
