Windows 10 How to DEcrease (!) font size and line height in File Explorer?


Extraordinary Member
I would like to decrease (!) the font size, line height and eventually the font family of the font used in File Explorer of Win10.

When I search for "Font change file explorer" in google then users are always directed to

Settings--->Ease of Access--->Display --->Make text bigger

But I don't want a bigger but a smaller text. The slider is already at the left side.

So how else can I make the font size smaller?

By registry hack?

More important is the line height of all files listed "details" view of File explorer.
The spacing between two lines is gigantic. I would like to have 1 or 2 pixel between them to see more file lines to see more files without scrolling.

How can I achieve this?

Thank you
You can change display sizes but it will not be limited to explorer. Try the following and see if it helps:

Go to control panel, Ease of Access, Ease of access centre, Make the computer easier to see, change the size of text and icons, change the size of text.
Windows only allows bigger text 100 - 500
Screenshot (3101).png

you will need custom desktop making tools to set a small system text... most of them will not work well