Windows 10 How to get folder properties in the command line, similar to wmic datafile for files?


Active Member
Jun 28, 2022
To get the exact time stamp attribute of a file in the command prompt, I use:

wmic datafile where name="D:\\test1.txt" get LastModified

Using WMIC is necessary because the dir command can only show minutes. However, wmic datafile only works on files, not folders. I paid attention to using both the quotation marks and the two backslashes rather than one after the drive letter and the colon.

Is there any way to achieve this on folders?
Thanks, Neemobeer! Conveniently, it also supports wildcard selection.

While I am not all that familiar with PowerShell, I have found a way that can display both file name and the last modified time and the other two time attributes as a table:

dir * | select name,LastWriteTime,CreationTime,LastAccessTime

Sample output:

Name                       LastWriteTime       LastAccessTime      CreationTime
----                       -------------...
PowerShell is going to be a lot easier and is the preferred method.

You can access any property in multiple ways. As an example if all you want is the lat modified time
Get-Item -Path C:\folder\or\file\path
(Get-Item -Path C:\folder\or\file\path).LastWriteTime
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Thanks, Neemobeer! Conveniently, it also supports wildcard selection.

While I am not all that familiar with PowerShell, I have found a way that can display both file name and the last modified time and the other two time attributes as a table:

dir * | select name,LastWriteTime,CreationTime,LastAccessTime

Sample output:

Name                       LastWriteTime       LastAccessTime      CreationTime
----                       -------------       --------------      ------------
example.202211182130.mhtml 18.11.2022 21:30:33 03.12.2022 11:39:06 18.11.2022 21:30:33
example.202211182138.mhtml 18.11.2022 21:38:18 03.12.2022 11:39:06 18.11.2022 21:38:18
example.202211182153.mhtml 18.11.2022 21:53:32 03.12.2022 11:39:06 18.11.2022 21:53:31
example.202211201304.mhtml 20.11.2022 13:04:38 03.12.2022 11:39:06 20.11.2022 13:04:38
example.202211201318.mhtml 20.11.2022 13:18:33 03.12.2022 11:39:06 20.11.2022 13:18:33