How to reply when no "reply" link is offered


Honorable Member
Feb 8, 2018
I have had a reply from Neemobeer to my post , "How to complete remediation" and I want to ask an important follow-up question. However there is no response option offered. I checked other posts and the difference is that mine presents as a white screen and the othere with a black screen. All others also offer response options. Where do I find a response option please if there is one.? Thanks.
Thanks. This is quite baffling: My original post (How to complete remediation) does not offer a"post reply" option whereas this one does, so I'll post the reply to the original post here:

"Neemobeer. Thanks, that’s reassuring, but the false positive is still blocking my windows backup. I have a routine weekly backup set up and each week it fails and I get the message “your backup failed to complete." because of the Trojan. When I try to backup manually, I get the same message. Grateful for suggestions how to remove the block. Thanks."
1 you can tell Windows backup not to include certain folders so say "You can remove E:\ from being copied"
2 i'd assume your scan is being blocked by the usb port turning off if that scan includes any exturnal drives

3 the HP file is putting a 1 in your Windows registry to say this printer is okey... some 3rd party scans assume anything not placed there by Microsoft must be a virus but thats not correct

if you want to keep the printer then tell your virus scanner that file is okey or use a different virus scan software... both are valid options
Many thanks. I followed your instructions and have just had the first successful backup for weeks, I appreciated the explanation as well. It helps to know the why as well as the how.
no problem mate glad you have it working now