
New Member
Sep 13, 2018
I don't really want to do this, but it seems my 290x-TriX could really use some DX12 love at this point in it's life cycle.
So, as far as gaming is related: Have you noticed any difference between Windows 7 and 10? Any have any issues with Steam library needing to be re-downloaded? (Steam folders kept on D drive).
I was holding out as long as I could, but I guess I cannot any longer (also, it's free for 8 more days).
Any tips on the transition (for gaming purposes, not general I got that covered) would be appreciated.

You shouldn't get too many issues although some of your older titles, depending on age, may not play. Often there is a workaround so all may not be lost, depending on the game of course..
You shouldn't get too many issues although some of your older titles, depending on age, may not play. Often there is a workaround so all may not be lost, depending on the game of course..

And. Whatever you may read, Windows 10 is having squabbles with its compulsory update procedures, but, bottom line, IMO, it is the best OS yet.
