Windows Vista Internet explorer / Messenger blocked?


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
I'm having a strange issue, I have made no changes to my system lately but it seems like MSN messenger, AIM and Internet explorer are being blocked by something,

Firefox however works fine, as well as other online rpgs I play.

The messenger diagnosis is that key ports are being blocked.

I have disabled UAC and temporarily disabled Kaspersky as well as making sure windows firewall is off but I cannot use any of these programs.

I do connect through a router but no other PC's or laptops going through this have the same issue, and it is set as the default settings.

Any ideas what this may be?


Bump, I've got the same issue. Anyone know how to fix this?

I'm having a strange issue, I have made no changes to my system lately but it seems like MSN messenger, AIM and Internet explorer are being blocked by something,

Firefox however works fine, as well as other online rpgs I play.

The messenger diagnosis is that key ports are being blocked.

I have disabled UAC and temporarily disabled Kaspersky as well as making sure windows firewall is off but I cannot use any of these programs.

I do connect through a router but no other PC's or laptops going through this have the same issue, and it is set as the default settings.

Any ideas what this may be?


Are you using windows live messenger ?
That is the best messenger to use with windows 7 :)

Got the same issue, too...

After I downloaded some software this happened the first time, but Kaspersky didn´t find any virus or sth. else...

All Ports checked and open !

Firewall doesn´t block them... but Windows Live, Internet Explorer are unable to connect.
Even the router firewall doesn´t block them...

Firefox, Windows Update and several other programs are able to connect to the internet !

XP works still fine and the same programs (same ports) have connection ! :confused::confused::confused:

Any Solutions ? x)

Got the same issue, too...

After I downloaded some software this happened the first time, but Kaspersky didn´t find any virus or sth. else...

All Ports checked and open !

Firewall doesn´t block them... but Windows Live, Internet Explorer are unable to connect.
Even the router firewall doesn´t block them...

Firefox, Windows Update and several other programs are able to connect to the internet !

XP works still fine and the same programs (same ports) have connection ! :confused::confused::confused:

Any Solutions ? x)

I have no problem in Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 X32 and X64 and Build 7100 Bit x32 to launch WLM version 2009 (Build 14.0.8064.206) and it connects after I login bringing up my contacts.

I have no problem in launching my default browser IE 8 in those same Windows 7 Builds listed above.

Unless detailed information about the Operating system & the particular Applications ( Name, version etc ) and the EXACT error message if any or observation of what happens when a specific program icon is clicked, are included in the post, the poster is perhaps unintentionally restricting the focus on the issue only to the same way they have viewed it. To take an independent look , please provide the information about the OS and Programs having problems you already have and used in your own attempts to fix them. Everyone here doesn't have the exact same OS Build and Bit or Applications, geographic location , ISP etc which might affect WLM or other IRC clients.

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Unless detailed information about the Operating system & the particular Applications ( Name, version etc ) and the EXACT error message if any or observation of what happens when a specific program icon is clicked, are included in the post, the poster is perhaps unintentionally restricting the focus on the issue only to the same way they have viewed it. To take an independent look , please provide the information about the OS and Programs having problems you already have and used in your own attempts to fix them. Everyone here doesn't have the exact same OS Build and Bit or Applications, geographic location , ISP etc which might affect WLM or other IRC clients.

Now there's excellent advice!

I ask posters to do the same, but you put it all together in one sentence.

Now there's excellent advice!

I ask posters to do the same, but you put it all together in one sentence.
Thank you for your messge:)

But we might be just preaching to the choir:D. If it resonates at least among a few, hopefully it can improve the situation and leave useful information for people searching for answers in the Interenet.

Now there's excellent advice!

I ask posters to do the same, but you put it all together in one sentence.

It works for me .

Link Removed due to 404 Error

Mike put up this announcement, but I doubt hardly anyone looks at it before posting, if fact it's obvious most don't:

Link Removed

It's probably not possible with this forum setup, but I think the message should run completely across the entire page in huge red bold letters to more effectively grab new posters attention:D

Yea, hopefully it will help at least a little.

I'm having the same problem. IE worked fine for about 2 weeks, then stopped all of a sudden. I open it and get this message:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

What you can try:

Diagnose Connection Problems

Link Removed

Diagnosing yields: troubleshooting could not identify the problem.

Firefox works fine. Also, when I'm running STEAM playing CSS, I cannot download new maps since IE has stopped working.

I run AVG 8.5.

Comparing yours against mine...

Adapter are similar, I have more due to the fact my Internet Security Suite adds it's own drivers.

Under System Drivers, I have no entries with the ???? Þø??? ????? ?????? !!! !!
Mine are all displayed correctly

You have 60 Running tasks, I have 36, but you also have some Apple entries, where of course, I do not
60 is way too many though.

I couldn't begin to compare the loaded modules, the list was too long

Save with Services, but I'd suggest you look up on the Internet for sites listing "Services that can be disabled or startup manually to eliminate some of those

I only have 5 startup programs.

I'd suggest you look up these:
Steam "c:\program files\steam\steam.exe" -silent Skype "
c:\program files\skype\phone\skype.exe" /nosplash /minimized
PeerGuardian c:\program files\peerguardian2\pg2.exe
IRW c:\windows\system32\irw.exe

and you can disable:
Adobe Reader Speed Launcher
QuickTime Task
rundll32.exe \nvcpl.dll,nvstartup (unless you feel it's necessary)
NvMediaCenter (unless you feel it's necessary)

Under Error Reporting, I'd look up the event ID in Event Viewer and do an Internet search for the programs below:
hl2.exe (no clue what that is)
mywyxngk.exe (no clue what that is)
okpomq.exe, (no clue what that is)
saann.exe, (no clue what that is)
TERMSC~1.exe, (no clue what that is)
C:\Windows\TEMP\TERMSC~1.exe (bothers me because it's in the temp folder)
C:\Windows\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\TERMSC~1.exe (bothers me because it's in the temp folder)
goomv.exe, (no clue what that is)

many of these faults are occurring in your C:\Users\Josh\AppData\Local\Temp

You should delete all files and folders from the C:\windows\temp directory and C:\Users\Josh\AppData\Local\Temp directory

I'm sure that wasn't alot of help, the main concern for connectivity is your adapter and protocols.

By the way when was the last time you performed a full scan with AVG?

I'd also suggest you get a spyware removal program.

I might bbe wrong, but I think you have some type of virus, malware and/or spyware on your system

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