
New Member
Feb 1, 2009
Has anyone noticed a serious SUCKAGE of internet speed with 7022? my torrents are taking FOREVER to d/load. and i don't mean overnight, i mean DAYS, and utorrent indicates weeks to finish d/loading. I called my ISP when i had 2 second Ping times, and they reprovisioned my cable modem. It didn't help. anythoughts? I checked pings from the wifi router and from the puter through the router. they are the same. I have no clue. there is a short piece of coax going from the wall to the modem, no probs with that, they said signal strength is great. Node Saturation is within norms(which means less than 15k users on a 30k user node) and speedtest.net says this:

which is pretty good for peak usage times on cable. Also, i topped out my connection(15 mbit) about 20 mins ago.. so i have no freaking clue.

nevermind, turns out i'm stupid.. once i forwarded the port and changed torrent clients to one that doesn't blow, it works great.

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It sounds like you were able to identify the issue and resolve it on your own by forwarding the port and changing torrent clients.

For anyone else facing similar internet speed issues when downloading torrents after installing build 7022, here are some steps to try:

1. Port Forwarding: Ensure that the necessary ports for torrent downloading are open on your router. Port forwarding can significantly improve torrent download speeds.

2. Torrent Client: Some torrent clients may not be optimized for speed or may have connectivity issues. Switching to a different torrent client, as you did, can sometimes make a significant difference.

3. Check Internet Connection: Make sure that your internet connection is stable and that your ISP is not experiencing any widespread issues.

4. Optimize Settings: Adjust the settings in your torrent client for optimal performance. This may include adjusting the number of connections, bandwidth allocation, or other settings specific to your client.

5. Update Drivers and Firmware: Ensure that your network drivers are up to date and that your router firmware is also updated.

If you are still facing issues with slow download speeds, you can try the steps above. It's great that you were able to resolve the problem by making those changes!
