G'day Thomskitten, so when you say music store are you talking about those big round things that nanny likes?Hi All,
Not sure I follow...we rent and sell band and orchestra instruments to those enrolled in the local school music programs. We also sell guitars, amps, ukuleles, drumsets, pianos, etc as well as printed music, method books and related accessories.G'day Thomskitten, so when you say music store are you talking about those big round things that nanny likes?
welcome to the forum mate.
No, no vinyl...however, an interesting side note to that - the business was original started in 1948 by the current owner's father-in-law (now deceased)...as, you guessed it, a record store! The current main location (and the one from which I work) is on that same original footprint...so not records then... perhaps I'm showing my age?
Hi Thomskitten!!Hi All,
I'm the Business Manager for a small, locally owned business (music store) with 3 locations 35 miles apart. I've worked here since 1989 and have worked my way into that position. I went back to school after my kids were older and I graduated in 2014 with a Bachelors of Information and Communication Technology from NMSU College of Engineering with the intent of "moving on" but have somehow been commandeered into assuming the IT role here. I have no "IT team" or other colleagues to turn to or bounce ideas off of when I cannot find the solution to my problem so I'm very excited to have found this forum. I'm hoping to gain some knowledge and maybe even be able to impart some that I've gained along the way to help others. I'm still kind of new to this though so please be kind
Thank you in advance!
Welcome to the forums!He I'm Kelvin here from Singapore. Current on Windows 10