Introduce Yourself.

Hi to Everyone...
I'm New on this Site...
Writing From Pakistan...
i'm a Learner & Computer Technician...
I love new technologies and, as a user of Windows 7, I'm curious of what's coming next...
Hi Jawwad!

Hope you enjoy the forum and great to have you onboard.. :)
Hi all I have been playing with computers since the C64 first came out I have a variety of computers 3 and Laptops 3 doing the usual things all running Windows 10 pro. I have a very smart 5 year old he has his own Laptop and is an Avid Youtube fan. He has had a computer playing his ABC's and 123's quietly ever since he was born and It's paid off.
David H1131 … happy to have you on-board with us. it is quite amazing how the young'uns can grasp principles so easily … veritably, their young minds hold the future.
Hi David H1131, welcome to the forum.
what does he think of the bandwidth for youtube... is it so last week?
Hi! It's north here. I am willing to seek my answers at the same time, to help others solve the problems about data lost and so on.