Introduce Yourself.

Hello strangers I'm here cos Microsoft likes to shut down my computer whenever it updates windows 10.
welcome to the forum. If you create a thread in the help and support section we might be able to help?
Hi Robert,
welcome to the forum..
Hi Sandeepa!
Welcome aboard..
salutations everyone. the name's dan. i love cats. iam transmitting to you from my 8 year old pc. how did it survive all these years, including a fire and flooding i shall never know. its held up by duct tape and marred by old sticky notes from the past. well not really, but the edges are fastened with black electrical tape.
Hello everyone. I'm just a retired cement mason/plasterer attempting to learn about Windows 10. I've noticed many contributors here who I am familiar with and who have helped me in the past. Keep up the good work.
Hi Sichuan,
welcome to the forum..
Hi I'm new here .I'm a windows 10 user. Happy to
contribute here as much as I can. Cheers

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Hello everyone!

My name is WhoseLineFan.

I like reading, listening to music, watching TV, and movies.
Hi WhoseLineFan,
always nice to see a new face.. Is your nic related to 'who's line is it anyway' perchance?