VIDEO Kellyanne caught mid-lie, called out BY FOX NEWS live on air

Kellyanne caught mid-lie, called out BY FOX NEWS live on air
In a recent viral moment captured on Fox News, Kellyanne Conway found herself in a bit of a predicament as she attempted to defend President Trump's statements about Social Security and Medicare. The incident, detailed in a video by Brian Tyler Cohen, shows Conway refuting claims that Trump would cut these entitlements, despite evidence to the contrary.
### Breakdown of the Incident
During the segment, Conway asserts that Trump never said he would cut Social Security or Medicare, a claim immediately countered by the host, Martha McCallum. McCallum points out that Trump has indeed mentioned cuts to entitlement programs, including in a town hall discussion where he was quite clear about his intentions. Conway's defense hinges on suggesting that Trump was instead discussing deficits, but this claim was met with skepticism, given the specific language used by Trump in his public statements and budget proposals.
### Key Points Highlighted
1. Contradicting Statements: The tension arises when Conway attempts to reinterpret Trump’s comments post-fact, claiming that his statements about cutting entitlements were misunderstood. However, video evidence and recorded statements clearly indicate a different narrative, showcasing a classic case of political spin.
2. Budget Cuts: The discussion also veers into Trump's proposed budget for fiscal 2021, which included significant cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security amounting to nearly $1.75 trillion over the next decade. This brings to light the reality that, despite verbal assurances, policy actions taken by the administration suggest otherwise.
3. Media and Public Trust: Conway's effort to shift blame onto the media for "misreporting" Trump's words raises questions about transparency and accountability from the administration. The exchange underlines a pressing issue in contemporary politics: when statements can be so quickly spun, how should the media navigate reporting in a manner that is both accurate and comprehensive?
4. Historical Context: Further complicating Conway’s defenses is the framing of Obama’s presidency concerning deficit management. It is argued that Trump's administration has left deficits twice as high as those recorded under Obama, raising concerns about fiscal responsibility.
### Conclusion
This incident exemplifies a broader trend in American politics where words and actions often diverge sharply. As viewers witnessed Conway’s attempts to repackage Trump’s message, many were reminded of the constant struggle between political rhetoric and reality. Kellyanne Conway, serving as Trump’s mouthpiece, faces the challenge of defending policies that starkly contrast with public statements—in this case, the protection of entitlements.
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