
New Member
Apr 20, 2014
I'm continually getting the kernel_data_inpage_error BSOD at quite random times - during skype calls, bringing computer out of sleep mode, playing games - and I can no longer say it was a one-off kind of thing, but I'm not sure how to fix it, and found this forum hoping for some help.

I ran the tools requested and both the diagnostic tool and cpu-z reports are included in the zip file, though I was unable to run RAMMon (even as administrator) and was given the message "Unable to load DirectIo driver. Unexpected error."

If it helps at all, this laptop is about a year and a half old. The hard drive and wireless card were replaced about six months ago due to defects. Also, the last time or two I've started up the laptop, I've gotten a warning about a fan not working (it still seems like it is upon testing however), but before I spend money on replacing it I want to make sure the rest of the laptop is not a lost cause.

Unfortunately, I don't own a copy of Windows 7 as I bought it preinstalled with the laptop, so if the OS needs a clean reinstall I would appreciate a warning.

Thank you for any info you can provide me with.


The dates on your dump files seem a little strange, the most recent I see is 3/3/2014.

In that particular case it appears it may be related to your wireless chipset.

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0x9F_3_POWER_DOWN_bcmwl664_IMAGE_pci.sys

Is it possible you can look in device manager and let me know which wireless adapter you're using, I can then direct you to Broadcom's page to obtain the latest driver.
I followed some of those instructions and the Teredo thing is just gone from device manager altogether, and the crashes are still happening. Not really sure what happened there.

Also, I wasn't quite sure what to run with Seatools, but I clicked through the scans that were compatible with the hard drive and it passed them.
Try checking the Event viewer and see if it mentions anything relating to the crashes.