Windows 10 Keyboard layout ?


Honorable Member
Hello. I would like to move a French Canada keyboard layout from a Win 8.1 to this W-10 machine. The reason is that in W-10 the layout offered is the wrong one, does not honour the proper keys for the normal ( here ) accented caracters . Can this be done ? At the moment, I use, not out of choice, the Multilingual Standard where the keys are not what we are used to and it is also impossible to do an ù or Ù. Any help tremendously appreciated.
The funny part is that my System - Language shows that I run French Canada but I sure do not. Have a fine Easter and no -19. J
Due to the tremendous amount of replies here, I will delete my request. By the way, the problem was solved by my daughter who coded for Microsoft a few years back, she was even invited to Redmond for an interview, she declined their offer as they were not even considering the human factor. She is now involved in robotics with a Texan firm, remotely as she is still in her home, next street. I wish you all the success that I have seen here.