Windows 7 Logon screen change


New Member
Jan 26, 2009
Anyone tried it? i can swap it with LogonStudioVista but only with a preset screens. When I get to "create", nothing happens after clicking 'Browse" button, so I'm not able to add my own pic. Any help with this one?

Or maybe u got another way to change logon screen?

aslo, is it possible to change boot screen/animation to anything else?

On Stardocks site it states:

System Requirements

Windows XP/Vista

Probably isn't compatible with Windows 7.

yes, nut in this case, do you know any other software to change logon screen?

Or maybe someone can tell me how to do it manually. Is it the same as on Vista? anyone tried? any restrictions to resolution, etc.?

This is a very difficult and dangerous option and I don't even know if it works on Windows 7, but take a look at this site:

And it's only for XP

Change XP Boot Screen

Small exert below:

Before you even THINK about hacking into the kernel, make a backup. Of everything you even remotely care about on your system. Now make a backup copy of "..\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe" in whatever directory you like. NOW make ANOTHER copy of it to actually do your hacking on. Put it into a completely separate directory from your backup copy. (Trust me on this, I had to learn the hard way!

There's also this from Utube:
Windows Vista Secret Boot Screen and Custom Logon Screen

Even I wouldn't attempt it on Windows7

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Ok the solution was quite easy :
The integrated 'browse' function is not the same in Windows 7 (no big surprise here) so, the only thing that fails being that (and the redirect to windows vista default logon .. duh) the simple thing to do is to just find another way of getting a new logon screen in there.

And, for that you just need to download a .logonvista file and doubleclick it, the rest works like a charm (ofc, the visuals are exactly vista ones for logon screen ...).

No need for complicated registry hacks, just have a winvista vmachine somewhere for editing, or use one of the already available and very nice thingies they have on their resource website (something like wincustomize or stuff... . com ofc-).

And uh .. this was a really really extremely important issue with windows 7, that logon screen was completely ugly :p

Enjoy !

I don't know if Link Removedwill work in 7 but it worked in XP Pro. Basically you can use any image. I'm not sure if there is a trail version or not.

Inno Logo will not work in 7.

I do think there are some neat alternatives to the default logon screens in all versions of Windows but I really like the default one in Windows 7.. ;) It's new, and fresh looking... something different than the usual drag screen... ;)

I really don't have a logon screen since I am the admin. I don't mind the boot screen at all but the underwater screen while it's starting is boring. I would like to have the ability to change it to something that I like. Again a minor thing but when you look at it for six months or so, yuck :)

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Anyone tried it? i can swap it with LogonStudioVista but only with a preset screens. When I get to "create", nothing happens after clicking 'Browse" button, so I'm not able to add my own pic. Any help with this one?

Or maybe u got another way to change logon screen?

aslo, is it possible to change boot screen/animation to anything else?

Just found this somewhere else and it worked like a charm! Just run LogonStudioVista in Windows Server 2003 (SP1) compatibility mode and it works just like it is supposed to!

The program changes some system files -- I tried this initially but found a much better solution -- will give the link later

The problem with LogonStudioVista is that it changes some system files so even if you totally uninstall the product any logon screen you created will remain and not even JC himself couldn't unravel all the stuff to get rid of it.

I went back to restoring my system to flush it out.

Windows 7 (at least the later builds 7048 / 7057) certainly) has the built in facility to allow user customisation of the logon screen -- no need any more for 3rd party apps.

I found the link on another W7 discussion board

Here's how to do it.

Log On Screen - Change - Windows 7 Forums


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How to Change the logon background

Try this link. It works great!

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Here's one that works like a charm. I don't remember where I got it but just Google for it. You can use any picture for your boot screen/logon. W7C LogonUI Changer and the best part is it's FREE.......
Found a link Link Removed - Invalid URL

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Windows Logon Screen Change


Thank you for the tip, however I did post a workaround (which is a bit complicated and invoves a registry change) which works very well and does not involve any additional programs or services.


Here is another in-spite of nice Freeware customization tool Check this one out.
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Thanks again for the follow up. My understanding is that the next RC update will have a built-in mechanism to update this screen. Let's wait and see.


I really don't have a logon screen since I am the admin. I don't mind the boot screen at all but the underwater screen while it's starting is boring. I would like to have the ability to change it to something that I like. Again a minor thing but when you look at it for six months or so, yuck :)

I use the tuneutilities2009 in vista to change all my screensavers from the boot screen to the logon screen. They have some real awesome ones. unfortunately, tuneup2009 isn't compatible with windows 7. If you find a way to change them let me know. I am anxious.

Hey Hambone,
Didn't you see the two links posted above one by me and one by anand1? Same software just different download sites. I use this and it works perfectly. Please dude read the previous posts in the thread,

This works well but is a bit tricky to implement


I also I believe that MS will be implementing an automated approach to changing the logon screen with the final release.

How to customize logon background/screen in windows 7
May 7th, 2009
If you don’t like the default logon background of windows 7,or you want to change the background to a picture you like,you can do it easily in windows 7 without any third-party softwares.Below will give you a simple guide about how to do it.
1.First launch regedit then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background
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2.Change the vaulue of OEMBackground to 1,which indicate to enale logon background customization in windows 7
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Tip:If you can not find this entry in your registry,please try to create one.
3.Go to %windir%\system32\oobe\ ,create folder info then create another folder backgrounds under info,then copy your own background picture here and rename it to backgrounddefault
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Note:The size of this picture must be less than 256k ,or it will not work.
4.Done,you can see your new logon background after logoff.It’s so easy,isn’t it!

i only have default, no OEMBackground registry file, ho hum
