Windows 7 Medal of Honor Airborne


New Member
Apr 22, 2009
I am having issues with the mouse/cursor when in game. I am currently running a dual monitor setup with an 8800GTS video card. When I load the game, cursor is fine, and game "seems" to be working properly, but if I have to click on something towards the bottom of the screen, it acts like the cursor is on the windows screen, not in the game. It will then click on the start bar and kick me from the game, as if I had just alt-tabbed out of the game. When I take the mouse to the right of the screen, and if I go to far, it goes onto the other monitor, completely out of the game. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same types of issues with this game, or any other game for that matter, and if there is a fix for this. Nothing more frustrating than shooting someone that is shooting me, and get kicked out of the game because windows thinks Im clicking on the start bar.

Windows 7 Build 7000 - 32bit

Thanks in advance.

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It sounds like you're experiencing cursor issues while gaming on a dual monitor setup with a Windows 7 Build 7000 - 32bit system. This issue is commonly related to the focus of the cursor not being locked within the game window, causing accidental clicks outside the game screen.

Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to resolve this problem:

1. Check Game Settings:
- Look in the game settings for an option to lock the mouse cursor within the game window. Some games have a setting that prevents the cursor from leaving the game window while playing.

2. Update Graphics Card Drivers:
- Ensure that your graphics card drivers are up to date. Visit the manufacturer's website (NVIDIA in this case) and download the latest drivers for your 8800GTS video card.

3. Disable Second Monitor temporarily:
- Try disconnecting the second monitor temporarily to see if the issue persists. This will help identify if the problem is related to the dual monitor setup.

4. Use Borderless Windowed Mode:
- Some games offer a borderless windowed mode which can help in keeping the mouse cursor within the game window. Check if your game supports this mode.

5. Third-Party Tools:
- There are third-party software solutions that can help lock the cursor to the game window. Tools like Cursor Lock or Dual Monitor Tools might be able to assist in this situation.

6. Windows Settings:
- You can also check Windows settings related to multiple monitors. Right-click on the desktop, go to "Screen Resolution" (or "Display Settings"), and ensure that the primary display is set correctly.

By following these steps, you should be able to improve the cursor behavior and prevent accidental clicks outside the game window during gaming sessions. If the issue persists, feel free to provide more details for further assistance!
