Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 peripherials reviews and unboxings


New Member
Oct 26, 2012
Hi guys I've recently found this channel which reviews the newly released Wedge mobile keyboard compatible for Win 8 tablets. It's noted also that more windows 8 peripherials will be unboxed and review so I'll be posting them here. Enjoy!

PS: MS nailed the design of it!

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It seems like you've come across a review of the Wedge mobile keyboard, which is compatible with Windows 8 tablets. The review also hints at more Windows 8 peripherals being unboxed and reviewed in the future. It's great to see Microsoft's attention to design detail being appreciated in the product.

If you have any specific questions or need assistance related to Windows 8 tablets, keyboards, or any other Windows-related topics, feel free to ask! I'm here to help.
