
Vista HP not shutting down.

Thuis phenonemon has only just started occurring. The system hangs at the 'Shutting down' screen, sometimes followed by a BSOD with the following error message - Driver Power State failure.
Any ideas what is causing this?

Hi Mr

Fix, I found for the same problem on another forum:

I Fixed the problem !!

I started deleting my security and back upprograms, one by one
(Acronis, Kasparsky, Norton etc’) and it worked.

It was a bas driver after all.


Shadow Surf program caused problem with another forum member!!!!!
Hi!!! Maybe this will help, I don't know what kind of computer you have but this sounds similar: (forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=202788) If you code this into your search, it should come up for you. Titled- Major Shutdown Issues on DV9428 Driver Power State Failure Blue

Hi!!! Maybe this will help, I don't know what kind of computer you have but this sounds similar: (forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=202788) If you code this into your search, it should come up for you. Titled- Major Shutdown Issues on DV9428 Driver Power State Failure Blue
The manufacturer should help you with this, especially, if it involves a debugging kernel mode crash system dump. :( These people may help: Microsoft Advanced Windows Debugging and Troubleshooting-- Microsoft Advanced Windows Debugging and Troubleshooting

Celestra - thanks for you post. just to be certain, where do I enter the information for the search you suggest?.

Hi Mr

Fix, I found for the same problem on another forum:

I Fixed the problem !!

I started deleting my security and back upprograms, one by one
(Acronis, Kasparsky, Norton etc’) and it worked.

It was a bas driver after all.


Shadow Surf program caused problem with another forum member!!!!!

Hi!!! Maybe this will help, I don't know what kind of computer you have but this sounds similar: (forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=202788) If you code this into your search, it should come up for you. Titled- Major Shutdown Issues on DV9428 Driver Power State Failure Blue
:)Hi, on the top of this page, underneath "Windows Vista Forums" you'll see: Home, Forums, Blogs, Search etc. I need you to hit the search button, it'll bring up Google search. In the Google search box type in exactly like I coded up top, without parenthesis. forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=202788
Read their conversation, scroll all the way down. Maybe superbills right or maybe its temporary. (Notebook Review doesn't like being linked to our computer, so I suggest to code in the address).
