My first try at building a computer


Fantastic Member
Nov 17, 2009
I built this last February. It is the first and only one I built. Having run it for a few months I feel great with what I done. A few up and downs but nothing serious. OK, I might be bragging some but here is a picture of what it looks like. Nothing fancy I know. :)

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Hey Sonny, not bad at all. Looks like my first build with that "RAT" nest cabling job....lmao. Just poking some fun there. What type of case is that, I don't see it listed in your system specs. I'll see if I can get some shots of mine on here.

Hey Sonny, not bad at all. Looks like my first build with that "RAT" nest cabling job....lmao. Just poking some fun there. What type of case is that, I don't see it listed in your system specs. I'll see if I can get some shots of mine on here.

It is a NZXT gaming case. Love it! Being able to add extra fans really makes it run cooler.

I admit the cabling is a rats nest. :)

Looks good Sonny.
Maybe at some point, some zip ties to tighten up all those PSU wires.
I've gone to Modular PSUs with my recent builds which permits me to only use the amount of connectors I need and helps eliminate some of that clutter.
Do you intend at some point to install a GPU to take the place of the on board Intel one?
32 gigs of memory.... WOW. I thought I was doing good with 16.
Anyway, nice job. Keep up the good work.

Thank you Guys

Sometime in the future I will install a GPU. Right now I will leave it like it is. I went with 32 GB because the motherboard a MSI B75MA-P45 only cost me $75. The memory and processor was what really cost.

Nice job Sonny!

Try tidying your cables a bit though as it allows for better airflow around the case which means your system will be running cooler too.. Here's a piccie of mine:

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Good job on the build.

I'm one who doesn't give a hoot about being neat with cable routing. A long time ago, I tried using tie wraps and such to make things neater but found it was a PITA because I am constantly messing around inside my computer and removing/redoing the tie wraps was too much work. Unless you are overclocking and having cooling problems, I wouldn't worry about the cabling. Even if you are having problems, the best cabling job in the world will only make a very small difference. If you ever get to the point where you install multiple gpus and are OCing, that's when neat cabling might make a real difference.

I suspect I've been building computers longer than most on this board (built my first in 1986) and most of the builds over the years have used bone stock cooling and I only encountered overheating on one build. I installed a larger aftermarket cpu heatsink/fan and that fixed that issue.

the best cabling job in the world will only make a very small difference

It does make a big difference...the difference maybe minimal in a few degrees for some and others it could be significant, as much as 10 degrees or better. This all depends on the case size, positive/negative air pressure, the type of cooling...water/air and component configuration of the case, size of case fans. This all helps towards the longevity of ones core components.

I for one am very much for cable management, not only does help with cooling, it also adds and element of esthetics to ones PC and with general maintenance...being able to get to your core components for easier removal and cleaning.

I just got some ties and it does look a lot better. The cables are pretty much now in one little bundle. Not spread out like the picture shows. Also my temperatures have been running fairly low I think.

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Good job on the build.

I'm one who doesn't give a hoot about being neat with cable routing. A long time ago, I tried using tie wraps and such to make things neater but found it was a PITA because I am constantly messing around inside my computer and removing/redoing the tie wraps was too much work. Unless you are overclocking and having cooling problems, I wouldn't worry about the cabling. Even if you are having problems, the best cabling job in the world will only make a very small difference. If you ever get to the point where you install multiple gpus and are OCing, that's when neat cabling might make a real difference.

I suspect I've been building computers longer than most on this board (built my first in 1986) and most of the builds over the years have used bone stock cooling and I only encountered overheating on one build. I installed a larger aftermarket cpu heatsink/fan and that fixed that issue.

If you actually read my post correctly you would have seen that i said that good cabling can make things better and is certainly not a cure for overheating issues.
As it happens i do overclock and like to have plenty of air whistling around my components.

Thanks for the input. (By the way, I too have been messing around with PC's since the 80's)

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Sonny, if you look at Ross's example of cable management, you'll see his doesn't have the cabling management holes w/grommets as most after market cases like yours and mine. Although Ross doesn't have those slots, if you look closely you can see how he really did a most excellent job re-routing the cables along side the 5.25 bay and tied off at the back of the case and a few of them are directly under the mobo itself.

So take advantage of those cabling slots and if it doesn't work one way try didn't come to us on our first attempts at cable management. It took us a few tries and after we think we got, then look back and something else just pops out at you and you say to yourself " I should have run that cable this way". Although a modular PSU, like me and Ross has does make it easier for us.

Love to see a new pic of your cable management...the before and after if you will.

I just got some ties and it does look a lot better. The cables are pretty much now in on little bundle. Not spread out like the picture shows. Also my temperatures have been running fairly low I think.

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Nice temps there Sonny. What's it like at full load as I take it that temp is at idle?

I am not sure what you mean at full load. If it is playing games, then I am not sure. Haven't really got into games but seriously thinking about it now. Playing videos and surfing the web, the temps stay about the same.

I just run a stress test for 5 minutes and my cpu temp went up to 52C.
