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Windows 10 Need help changing the search bar back to transparent in Fall Creators.


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2016
Hello everybody!
I just got my custom PC upgraded to Windows 10 version 1709 from 1703, and what really bothers me is the Cortana Search bar in my taskbar.
It used to be a lighter shade of my accent color earlier, and looked less distracting. Now, its dazzling white, looks like it pops out of the dark blue taskbar, and is REALLY distracting.
We were promised a plethora of appearance settings, but I can't seem to find one for this. Any helps, such as registry edits, etc. are appreciated.

P.S. please see the attached image. (Ignore the text, I broke my mic in Version 1709, only typing.)
for forum.png
if you open the apps screen and then follow my arrows to enable dark mode:
if you open the apps screen and then follow my arrows to enable dark mode:
View attachment 35481

With all due respect sir,
Help in enabling Dark Mode was not what I requested for. I believe I'm the one at fault, because I should have used the same taskbar colour in both pictures in my original question, but now that it is done already, what I wanted to say was that, if the Taskbar was blue, the search bar would be a lighter shade of blue. If the taskbar was red, the search bar would be a lighter shade of red.
As of the latest update, instead of being a lighter shade of the taskbar colour, it is pure white now.

Therefore, I was requesting for any tricks or tips, if available, to enable the transparency and colour for the search bar, through the settings app, or the registry editor.

Thanking you for your concern,
Rudraneel Dutta.
Aah... Sorry Rudy I misinterpreted what you were asking. As for your question. personally i only know of the settings already available.

Other members will comment hopefully..
Here's how I set mine up. I just show the icon instead of the bar. Then using Classic Shell I'm able to have a fully transparent taskbar. I find it to be fairly non-obtrusive.

11-17 desktop (2).jpg