VIDEO Never Use Tor with a VPN


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Never Use Tor with a VPN

In a recent video titled "Never Use Tor with a VPN," the creator delves into a prevalent piece of advice within the cybersecurity community: the myth that one should use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) while accessing the Tor browser. This claim, however, is often misleading and can compromise user privacy rather than enhance it.

### Key Points Discussed in the Video

1. Misconceptions About VPNs and Tor: Many argue that using a VPN can anonymize your connection to the Tor network, particularly to keep your Internet Service Provider (ISP) from knowing you're using Tor. The video points out that the concern over ISPs is largely unfounded—the majority of ISPs have no grounds to take action against users simply for connecting to Tor.

2. VPNs as Potential Privacy Risks: Ironically, if a VPN is used, the VPN provider effectively becomes your ISP. This means they might log your traffic or have access to your data. Therefore, using a VPN with Tor could expose your information rather than protect it.

3. Tor Bridges: The video highlights an alternative to using a VPN for privacy: Tor bridges. These are unlisted entry points to the Tor network that disguise the Tor traffic as standard SSL traffic, thereby helping to bypass ISP scrutiny without any cost associated with a VPN.

4. Ineffective Dual Setup: The creator critiques the practice of routing traffic through both a VPN and Tor, arguing it doesn't enhance privacy significantly. Such setups can lead to a false sense of security while introducing the risk of identifiable patterns in user behavior.

5. Advertiser Interests: A critical viewpoint is presented regarding content creators promoting VPN services, suggesting that monetary incentives might skew the information they provide. This can lead to viewers being misled into thinking they need a VPN to stay safe online.

6. Best Practices for Tor Users: For those concerned about privacy while using Tor, the video recommends methods like requesting bridges through Tor's built-in function or contacting the Tor team directly for assistance, rather than relying on a paid VPN service.

### Conclusion

The message of the video effectively emphasizes a vital lesson in digital privacy: while many swear by the combination of VPNs and Tor, it often poses more risks than benefits. Users are encouraged to explore available options, such as Tor bridges, that protect privacy without unnecessary complications.

What do you think about the advice given in this video? Have you had experiences using Tor or VPNs that you'd like to share? Let's discuss the best practices for maintaining privacy online!
