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Windows 10 New DX12 Benchtest coming to 3DMark


Windows Forum Admin
Staff member
Premium Supporter
Aug 28, 2007
A new benchmark will soon be coming to 3DMark as reported in their blog

''Time Spy is a new DirectX 12 benchmark test, coming soon to all Windows editions of 3DMark. With its pure DirectX 12 engine, built from the ground up to support new features like asynchronous compute, explicit multi-adapter, and multi-threading, Time Spy is an ideal benchmark for testing the DirectX 12 performance of the latest graphics cards.

Developed with input from AMD, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and the other members of the Futuremark Benchmark Development Program, Time Spy shows the exciting potential of low-level, low-overhead APIs like DirectX 12''.

Looks good! I can't wait to give it a try :)
now we just need some games that use it so we can justify the $... ashes of the singularity turned out to be (well not really a lie) disappointing
Recently I've been playing the free beta Forza Motorsport 6 downloadable from the store. It's a neat game and I often jump on to blat round some track or other in a Pagini or other such monster. The graphics, all dx12, are simply fantastic: Driving a supercar is pretty neat too:

dx12 forza.jpg

forza dx12.jpg

I took these next shots using the in built screenshot editor


Just the k'board old skool stylee.. ;) Works surprisingly well though.
Driving games is in genre I actually never fully got into. I did flying games still have my HOTAS setup from the old LOMAC days. Those screenshots above look incredible :)