What do you think of the website's overall performance in terms of speed and connectivity?

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It's probably your video graphics card. Heavy transparency is used on this site. Switch to the Basic theme under Quick Style Chooser.

It's probably your video graphics card. Heavy transparency is used on this site. Switch to the Basic theme under Quick Style Chooser.

I switched to basic,is much better now,but when i get to the last bit at bottom of page it does it again,not that it matters.I have a HD4670 ATI with 512 and a quad core with 4gigs.Do u need a better card to scroll with?Some other sites with flashy graphics scroll fine.It's not important,and I'm not complaining,is just info.Thanx for reply so quick tho'

This is useful info. Browser and version?

This is useful info. Browser and version?

I have firefox 3.6(standard)and win7x32(I know it's only using 3.x mem)
I just tried in ie out of interest in case of extensions and that scrolls quicker,but has a pause every couple inches.Still no where as quick as similar(looking )sites,they fly.This page scrolls normal speed,really quick.(in basic theme)
Edit:This page scrolls ok(not as fast as normal)with normal theme(until u get about ten inches from bottom,then same as front page).It's really the front page.Tried all right column minimized,no difference.

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Have you tried updating the 4670 Radeon drivers at...

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Last drivers were released Feb. 17, 2010.

will try and get back,need about ten mins)Thanx

Edit:Hope ok to keep editing.Hate doing loads of posts for one thing.
Had 10.2 drivers already,but installed and restarted anyway,all the same.

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I posted in "New Features and Changes" (bit of an overlap of views in the two threads?) that, like Hayden, I found the original scheme worked well. easy on the eye and functional.

Had 10.2 but installed and restarted anyway,no difference.As soon as u hit the bottom bar on this page it goes to a crawl(and whole front page)just b4 page navigation.
Have to go,will check in a bit.Thanx
Ps. I wouldn't worry about it till someone else mentions it,in case it's something my end.Am doing a new installation today,will report back whether it's still doing it.
Thanx for help.

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I posted in "New Features and Changes" (bit of an overlap of views in the two threads?) that, like Hayden, I found the original scheme worked well. easy on the eye and functional.

You can go to Settings > General Settings and chamge the theme at the very bottom of the page. I prefer blue myself.

Which, of course, I did. When it was reintroduced


Didn't know if you were aware of it.

The website holds strong, now more than ever before. We have truly entered our golden age. Thank you for your support.
Mike. You're the reason this forum does so well. I'd like to thank you for all you've done. I'm sure you have put a lot of effort and spent a ton of money on this place.

I hope you never took my questions about scripts running on the site as criticism. I'm just a very curious person. I've never found anything that I might criticize here. It always seemed like a very well run site to me. Thanks for providing it for us.

I agree completely! This forum is definitely the best Windows 7 forum on the net!! Full of great staff and great members! There is so much valuable Windows 7 information floating around on this forum it's truly amazing... ;)

Hmm yes, all agreed upon. Unfortunately, SOME of our fair-weather friends, feeding at the trough of success at the site are complaining about the announcement of our golden age, claiming it was "unsolicited spam". Whenever we send out a notification or e-mail, two or three people come out complaining it is spam, calling us morons. Upon searching on their posts, it is found that they had a problem, it was solved by someone with good intent, and they were never heard from again. This is called feeding from the trough of success!

I would like to clarify this information for all:

Understanding our e-mail policy

You willfully joined our website and agreed to receive administrative e-mails. This option can be turned on or off at any time! During your initial registration on our website, you willfully, under your full recognizance, agreed to, from time to time, receive e-mails from administrators. This e-mail, therefore, does not constitute spam. Do not join websites if you do not want to receive e-mails from them.

Per policy...

"Note: If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, Log into your account Under Settings, Disable "Receive E-mail from administrators"."

This is probably the first e-mail we have sent our members in 6-months, too. That is the funny part. We have quite a large group still stuck in 2009, I'm afraid..

It is one of your options, under "settings", to receive mail from the Adminstrator. Mike's comment, " And by joining our site, you agreed to receive administrative e-mails.", may be a little misworded, therefore.
Anyone who has opted to receive such, will have the email which you have laboriously repeated here.
I may share some of your views in your first para, but perhaps it could have been worded a little more politely.
The linked site you refere to is, technically, top class. In spite of its huge following, its respons time is really fast. It has also been around, inherited from it's sister, Vista , site, for a long time and has had the opportunity to mature.At the moment, this site is going through stages of improvement, based very much on suggestions. I, myself, believe I have a reputation of being a "whiner" on site matters!
I do not see your first para as offering very much in that field. Mike efforts, whatever the personal opinions may be, are the result of hard work and dedication. Helpful suggestion would always win the day, rather than outspoken rude comment.

Changes for the 15th of March 2010

The latest announcement about the golden age of Windows 7 Forums was a bit over the top, but so is our ambition! And now we give rise to the latest changes:
  • Meebo.com hardcoded into the Forum for direct communication, sharing, and more.
  • Automated confirmation that you are posting to the right forum if less than 5 posts.
  • HelpDesk ticketing system for website problems with full FAQ system included.
  • Top Posters by month/year now listed under Quick Links.
  • Virtual keyboard added for security against keyloggers (non-paranoid users need not apply).
  • Premium Supporters have received a secret gift waiting for them.
  • Live AJAX Search added.
We hope you enjoy these features!
Sample of automated confirmation (now set to <5 posts)

Link Removed

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I have an idea. Seeing as a 5 year old could do better, I'm going to pay you to redesign our website. By acting like a child, you have proven yourself to be a worthy designer and website administrator. Please send me your resume and contact information as soon as possible. Having 6 posts, we take your critques extraordinarily seriously and need this kind of expert advise now more than ever before.

Your avatar being a cat wearing a suit also lends to your credibility

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OMG. Have you joined this site to spike it, Krazdkiller? By your tone I can only deduce that. Alternatively, why stay if you have such extreme views.
1. I am autosubscribed to my posts.
2. Editing tools - not sure what your compalint is there, I have a set, full enough for normal use.
3. I regulaly mattach images and files. I have not noticed any difficulties.
4. I have just, before coming to this thread, posted a hyperlink??
5. ...etcs work for me.

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