Windows 7 New folder


New Member
Nov 20, 2011
When i go to make a new folder it does not show up when i right click in empty space. It shows up on the top bar and i click on it and it won't let me make a new folder. Is their a command i can use to make a new folder?
I do appreciate all the help you guy's give me.

I am a Linux user mainly and very new to Windows 7, however, I tried to do what you indicate and it works fine. Since I don't know how many HDD's or partitions you may have on your hard drives, I don't know where you want to put your folder, but if you want to put the folder in your C:\ drive, Start>Computer>(left-click to open) C:\>Right-click the open space>Select New>Folder>(a box will appear) type in the name you want for your folder. When you want it it will be on your C:\. Keep in mind if you want it in another partition or hard drive, you will have to do the process there.
GaminRoger;288784]When i go to make a new folder it does not show up when i right click in empty space. It shows up on the top bar and i click on it and it won't let me make a new folder. Is their a command i can use to make a new folder?
I do appreciate all the help you guy's give me.
