I am strongly against the so-called "badge" system.
Any system awarding posters for their correct so-called "answers" will result in one or all of the followings........
1. One forum awards members with the badge "community star" after x numbers of replies posted by a member, not x numbers of correct answers. That is a joke. Anyone who is still breathing will become a community star.
2. If badges are awarded based on numbers of correct answers given by the members, the following will happen, (they have happened in at least 2 forums I have participated in):
a) members will eventually start trying to persuade the OPs to mark their replies as answers, and before you know it, members begin scrutinizing one another replies. One member will feel offended, relies back with intention to discredit, all hell breaks loose, and the whole thread goes off topic.
b) if moderators are required to mark replies as answers, soon there will be members complaining of partiality issues.
c) moderators marking each other replies as answers regardless of better answers given by other members.
d) one forum has the "most answers of the week" award. Posters are pushing their replies to the OPs even when the replies are the same as the very first reply posted. To make it worst, one collaborates with his/her "friend" who happens to be a community moderator. That is a quick way to get the most answers of the week award.
3. one forum has the reputation points system. That was fun. Members collaborate with one another by giving rep points to their "friends". It stinks to high heaven.
At least theoretically, we are here to help people with problems, not to get a medal pinned on the chest.