Windows 7 Notification Area Icons window pops up automatically following boot


New Member
May 10, 2011
I have this very weird problem in which the 'Notification Area Icons' Window automatically pops up right after Windows Boots. Usually it shows after a minute or so after windows boots. Even if i keep my computer idle it shows up automatically (but only following a boot). This is irritating me quite a lot :mad:

I tried re - installing Windows but still the problem persists. I have a IBM Thinkpad T510 loaded with Windows 7 professional 32 bit. I googled this qute a lot but could not find a fix.

Any suggestions on how could I fix this wierd issue ? Also see attached screenshot.

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Have you checked your PC for any malware and/or spyware. If you haven't, do so. Then run a registry cleaner, Ccleaner has a built in one that works pretty good. Then defrag HDD. In your notification area reset icons to default settings, then reboot and check for issue.
Have you checked your PC for any malware and/or spyware. If you haven't, do so. Then run a registry cleaner, Ccleaner has a built in one that works pretty good. Then defrag HDD. In your notification area reset icons to default settings, then reboot and check for issue.

Is the attachment showing what pops up?

You have a Symantec (Service Framework) product. I would check that for some setting that would cause such an event.
