Windows 8 pc cpu temp reading software for w8?


Nov 25, 2012
Asus doesn't support my motherboard for w8, so their pc-probe-II is not installing on w8 saying "invalid o.s." Funny? right.

So, is there any other free domain software that will read and display cpu temperature on my pc on w8?

btw, asus has hard-coded "NT-6.0" or something like that in the driver file, that is the message received during failed installation. Can I manually change that to something for w8 (what NT 6.2? NT 7.0 or 8?) so as to fool the driver and install it.

I am sure that when almost every other software is working there is no reason why just asus pc probe shouldn't work on w8 os. must be some stupidly conceived os version check. If so, I intend to overcome that.

Please advice either way.


AIDA64; free trial period then a subscription cost, SpeedFan and is free, HWMonitor and is free. Doing a google search for system monitoring software with yield a lot of results.

Have you tried updating all your mobo drivers including your BIOS, sometimes that will help.

asus has hard-coded "NT-6.0" or something like that in the driver file, that is the message received during failed installation. Can I manually change that to something for w8 (what NT 6.2? NT 7.0 or 8?) so as to fool the driver and install it.

If it is actually in the driver itself, you will break the driver signing certificate and you will never be able to install the software. If it is not in the driver, you could try putting the executable under Windows 7 or Windows XP compatibility modes. The latest version of Windows is 6.2. The lab build is 9200.win8_gdr.130108-1504.

Version Differences (for future reference):

Windows NT 6.2:

  • Windows 8
  • Windows Server 2012 (Windows Server 8)

Windows NT 6.1:
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows NT 6.0:
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Small Business Server (SMB) 2008

Windows NT 5.2:
  • Windows XP 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Home Server

Windows NT 5.1:
  • Windows XP (all editions except 64-bit)
  • Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs

Windows NT 5.0:
  • Windows 2000

Windows XP was 5.1... so this is what you are looking at for compatibility. Like Ross said while I was writing this, use AIDA64 or SpeedFan. Enjoy Windows 6.2...

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