Windows 7 PEX4FUN WP7: A Mobile Game for Programmers


Extraordinary Robot
Jun 27, 2006
Chicago, IL
PEX4FUN is a Windows Phone 7 game for programmers and even folks who are casually interested in learning how to program - on a mobile phone. This game includes "Intellisense" (automatic code completion as you type), support for C# and VB.NET, many thought-provoking puzzles that programmers will enjoy solving.

PEX4FUN necessarily involves writing code, but you will probably spend more time thinking about the solutions to problems than you do typing characters on your phone. Still, coding on mobile devices is a very interesting idea and it will be very interesting to see where Nikolai, Peli and team take this. As is the case with RiSE and MSR generally, limits will be pushed and discoveries made.

Here, we talk to some of the RiSE geniuses about PEX, and of course this new WP7 game, PEX4FUN. You've met Peli de Halleux and Nikolai Tillmann before, but this time they are both in front of the camera at the same time. (Thanks, Peli, for all the great RiSE content you've made for 9 over the years!)

So, how does PEX4FUN work? How did they build it? How is it related to pex4fun the web site? Oh, and did they use Rx in the Intellisense engine?
What's the backstory behind pex and

It’s always great to catch up with the RiSE team, one my favorite groups of engineers and scientists at Microsoft. Please download the free game from Windows Phone Marketplace, play with it, push it and provide feedback back to Peli and Nikolai.


