Windows 8 Power8 - Start menu replacer for Windows8

Power8? Now a new app appears to my brain. I have installed Classic shell and Wentutu Start menu, should I try this? emm... Ok, give it a try. But I found all these are largely identical but with minor differences.
I got a message that Power 8 had expired - and it no longer worked. Strange, for a Beta, running on a Beta operating system.

I removed it, and downloaded what I hope is the latest version. All seems well again.

Perhaps the "expired" warning could come with a note to click somewhere for an update?
Hello Mike,

It went to RC about 4 weeks ago, if you downloaded it again, you should have the RC version as HackDesigner updates it on a regular basis.
Now with Windows 8 RTM being released, I'm sure he's working to get the final version of Power8 ready.

Thanks, Don. I wasn't sure what to do, and confused by the message that said it expired. I didn't remember their being an expiration date, but the version I just downloaded said it will expire on October 1 (I think). That's strange, as Win-8 won't be available until later in October.

Maybe you can pass on a minor suggestion to them? On my laptop running Win-8, if I "hover" my cursor over most of the icons at the lower left part of the screen, a small box opens up saying what they are. It would be nice if Start8 could do the same. Even if I left-click on it. The only way to find out what it is, is to right-click on the icon.

I like the way the latest version functions - which is to say I don't even notice anything about how it functions. It makes everything so seamless, and makes Windows 8 all that much more useful to me.

(It would be nice if he could add a button that disables all the strange things that Win-8 tries to do for me - when I clicked on images or music, I expected to get Windows Picture Viewer, or (in my case) VLC Media Player. Instead, Win-8 took me off into some unknown area, with one of their new apps apparently trying to do something - when I simply wanted the computer to do what it used to do under Win-7. If Microsoft wants to include all the Metro stuff, or whatever it is they want me to call it, that's fine, but I'd like to be able to control when, if ever, it shows up on my screen.)
HackDesigner comes around whenever he makes some improvements and has a little more communication with Randy than anyone else. I'm sure once he reads your thoughts it'll be taken in to consideration.

Open the "Charms Bar", click search and enter "PC Settings" from there you can turn off apps, notifications and more within each category.
From the "Control Panel\Programs\Default Programs" you can select "Set your default programs" and "Set program access and computer defaults" so you can open what you expect.

See how that works

Thanks - setting default programs I've been able to do the old fashioned way, right click and then "open with", etc. The other suggestion you made got me to where I could turn off most of the stuff I don't want to bother with. Thanks!!

I need to spend more time working with (not on) the Win 8 laptop.

(Without Start8, it wouldn't be nearly as useful to me!!!!)
Hi people,

thought I answered yesterday but seems network went down at the posting moment.

I got a message that Power 8 had expired - and it no longer worked.
Power8 has no expiration date. Below you're talking about Start8 - maybe it was its expiration? If you experience the message again - it'd be good if you post here a screenshot and description on where and how did you download Power8. The only source I control is power8 - Yet another Start menu replacer for Windows 8 - Google Project Hosting

Now with Windows 8 RTM being released, I'm sure he's working to get the final version of Power8 ready.
Power8 is updated more or less regularly. Right-click the main button and choose auto-update to ensure you have the latest version.
The 1.0 final is available for a long time already. 1.0.1 is tested with W8 9200. Current version is 1.0.2.

Maybe you can pass on a minor suggestion to them? On my laptop running Win-8, if I "hover" my cursor over most of the icons at the lower left part of the screen, a small box opens up saying what they are. It would be nice if Start8 could do the same. Even if I left-click on it. The only way to find out what it is, is to right-click on the icon.
Can you please provide 2 screenshots: 1) how it works for other software; 2) mock-up of howyou expect this work for Power8?
Me bad..... or even more confused than usual.

Now I'm confused as to which program I've been using.

One of them expired - maybe it was Start8, maybe Power8. Whatever it was, it had the "program listing" spread out horizontally across the screen. What I've got now is "Start8 Beta 0.90", and it has the correct kind of program listing.

What I have right now seems perfect - I prefer the vertical list of programs.

So, what I should maybe do, is leave this PC as it is now, and install "Power8" on my other laptop which I get back next week after a board is repaired. That way I can compare the two.

Sorry, I should have copied the error message so I'd know exactly what it said - but I didn't know I'd be in a discussion like this.

If I'm right about all this, then was it Power8 that gave the list of programs in a horizontal "bar", where you scrolled horizontally to find what you want? If so, I didn't like that.
I just got my Compaq C740EM back from the technician - it should be good to go. Did a clean install of Windows 8 RP, and am now installing Power8 v. - will see how it goes, and how it compares to my computer sitting next to it, running Start8.

Lovely - Windows protected your PC from running strange software..... easy to get around this. I don't remember seeing this message before. Strange.

Wow - finished the install, and there is a tiny rectangular box at the bottom left, that is apparently my new Start menu. First impression - why is it so small? Maybe I can make it larger later on?

Even stranger - I expected to see a list of my programs.... all that's there is Firefox and IE. OK, go up to "Start Menu", then click Programs. My suggestion - haven't worked with it yet, but I really want to click on the "start button", look up, and click on the program. This seems to take too many steps. It's going to take me a while to get used to this.

Enough playing.... I guess the next step is to install my Windows updates. I need to think about this for a while. I'll leave it in place, as I do want to see how it's better than what I'm used to, but all I really wanted was for something to work just like things do in Windows 7. .....and that tiny rectangle - can I make it at least as wide as the icons for IE, Explorer, etc?
When the PC restarted, Power8 was gone. I guess I need to change the settings, so it starts automatically?

Nope, just need to select "auto start". Suggestion - make this the default.

Hmm, "Block Metro Features" .....sounds promising.
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Didn't read the second post...

Wow - finished the install, and there is a tiny rectangular box at the bottom left, that is apparently my new Start menu. First impression - why is it so small? Maybe I can make it larger later on?
Soon you will be able to. This is planned for 1.1, I hope during October.
Even stranger - I expected to see a list of my programs.... all that's there is Firefox and IE.
The list of Programs is made up based on what you have launched already. This is essentially how Windows XP - Windows 7 works.

Start menu above the list gives you "overview" of what you got installed, but using practice from Windows7, start typing the name of program you need and launch it.

At the moment you may need to launch the application you need at least once using Windows itself to make it always appear in the start list, but this will be changed in future. Till 1.5 we have plans to make this menu even more flexible.
When the PC restarted, Power8 was gone. I guess I need to change the settings, so it starts automatically?

Nope, just need to select "auto start". Suggestion - make this the default.

Hmm, "Block Metro Features" .....sounds promising.

Auto start by silent default - is trick viruses do ;) But I'm thinking about a kind of message box for the user - about auto start, auto update and so on.

Block Metro Features blocks active corners. Metro is still accessible via Win key.
I messed up.

I got a large box of a "buffer overflow" I think, but I assumed it was from my trying to get the sound to work on the laptop again. I closed that window, and Power8 was gone.... If it happens again, I will get a screen snapshot for you.

The computer, running Win-8, didn't have any sound. I updated the drivers, but no luck. I then found this link:
sound not working compaq presario c700 (conexant) - Microsoft Answers

I tried all the trouble-shooting tips near the bottom, and something there is what apparently caused Power8 to have the problem.

Not expecting anything to work, I tried the thing the other guy said worked - put the laptop to sleep and woke it up, and sure enough, it has sound again. Not very loud, but sound. The more I mess around with all this, the more puzzling it all becomes. Sorry I didn't capture the error screen - will try to re-create it. I know it will be helpful to you.
Got it!

It came up when I went to the Power8 box, and tried to go to Control Panel

I took a photo of it - will now try to do a screen capture.

Top of box says Power8

"System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for a Ulnt32........

Lots of other stuff after that.

I'm too sleepy to do much more. If the screen capture will be helpful, just post your Google+ name here, and I'll get it to you. I shot it with my Nexus, so it's a good, clear photo. (I can't do a "print screen" as I've got a European keyboard on this laptop, and it's real confused right now about what key does what function...... something I'm trying to fix along with the other issues.)
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You would have a pleasant, glitch-free experience using Windows 8 if 3rd party, unnecessary, start things are not added. Simple & easy right out of the box. Just a thought, suggestion that just may have substantial merit. Certainly a concept worth your consideration.

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