One can use humour, clever insults, subtle name-calling or try avoiding a point by saying one is merely being told to "such up & accept". No, one is merely being told facts. Attitude tends to block, obscure or skew facts; it can hinder & taint ones ability to work w/ something, to work w/ change w/out labeling it 'bad.' OR
suggested attitude that
must exist in a company.... one that viciously, callously, blindly, coerces consumers into (crazy) things or even worse, denies them necessities.
One attitude is unfortunate, the other doesn't exist. So, sticking to facts... opinion is not @ issue here.
In Windows 8.1 people were given a so-called 'start button'. It is a Win(dows) Key and, in effect, a start button (old term)... it will or can take one to the Start screen, which can be used as & thought of as a start menu. Certainly, this doesn't cut it w/ folks who feel it MUST lead to an old style start menu and not, dreadful Tiles. Of course, in Win 8.1 one can have the Win Key or Icon take one to the All Apps screen, instead... more sensible, really.
Ah, but, does one NEED to change screens from good ole Desktop and use either of these new style screens to find or access things? NOPE. Don't care for them? No worries, one can access ALL the same content w/out ever leaving Desktop
Overall, everything is quicker, easier, more readily @ one's fingertips, less time, fewer clicks than prior Windows OSs. That is the reality. Navigating it is fast, smooth, slick & flexible. It is not opinion, it IS the reality that it works, can work well,
as is and it's differences from the past do not warrant whinging. There is, though, much that is praise worthy in the OS.
Nothing is problematic unless ones opts to perceive something as such... the perception does not apply to Windows 8.1
Interestingly, I can configure a machine, spend 20 minutes w/ clients new to Windows 8.1 and they not only know how to use it but, find it easy, enjoyable & exciting. Has not been one exception and some had even heard negative hype before (now) discovering it to be exciting, pleasing and enjoyable.
Of course, it's a bit of singing to the choir... myself, I had quit using the old start button & menu long before Windows 8.0 had even appeared, at all. Having one (or not) is truly NOT a must! Nor a 'big deal' for any reason, as far as that goes.
Mainly, dunno why we write or say much... often facts will not override attitude.
Anyway, you wanted a start button, MS gave you one in 8.1 Now, you want something different than what it gives you or shows you, you don't like what it does.... even though things actually work just fine or can w/ what there is; go figure, eh?