Windows 7 PPPoE and setting up a static IP address


New Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hi, I just upgraded to Windows 7 today, and I'm trying to set up a static IP with my PPPoE connection but whenever I follow the steps on this site I can't connect to the internet.
That site worked fine for me when using windows XP, so I don't know what exactly is going wrong here.
I'm not sure what information I need to tell you guys so you can try to help, so if you need something please say so.

Thanks in advance.

I am not sure that the implementation of PPPoE provided by your ISP is identical to the ones I'm familar with here in the U.S.
But this is what I would do here to resolve a similar issue.
1. Contact the ISP and confirm that the information that I am using regarding username and password for PPPoE on the router's wan interface is accurate and in keeping with their general practices.
2. Because we are dealing with a possible language issue, I would type my password into notepad, examine it and make sure that it is correct according to the information that I had just confirmed from my ISP and then copy and paste it into the appropriate password box on the router screen using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V
3. Then I would open device manager, expand...
Probably the best information you can provide is
How are you connecting to the internet?
Computer to Router/Switch, Router/Switch to ISP provide device?
Does your internet connection work fine, without static ip assignment?
Post a screen shot of your ipconfig /all results without static addressing
Past a screen shot of your ipconfig /all results with your static ip addresses in place so we can compare both

Sorry about it being in Japanese, I live in Japan so when I bought windows 7 it was the Japanese version.
What its saying though is:

PPP Adapter DTI:

DHCP Enabled: No
Autoconfiguration Enabled: Yes
IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DNS Servers:

Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix: Belkin
Description: Realtek RTL8168B/8111B Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC
Psychical Address: 00-1D-7D-9E-C5-BB
DHCP Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled: Yes
IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DNS Servers:

Then it continues on about 4 different "tunnel adapter isataps"

Also, I connect to the internet through a router. And yes, the internet does work if I don't try to use a static IP.
I don't want to try and set up a static IP address again without trying something new as it takes a long time to get the internet working again if it doesn't work. The only things that change when I do it (as far as I remember) are the things I manually type in (eg. IP Address, DNS).

Also, none of the DNS Servers that come up match the ones that I was given by my internet company (also being the ones I used to make a static IP on windows XP).

I'm not sure, but from the looks of things, as best as I can determine you've used some type of software install or perhaps the built in utility in Win7 to create your internet connection and have embedded your PPPoE information into the Windows 7 machine. This is probably best answered by your ISP, but typically here when I setup PPPoE for a client I embed the Username and Password information into the settings on the WAN interface on the router, thereby eliminating the need for the extra dialer/connector on the client operating system. Perhaps it is there, or was there under XP and a hard factory reset of the router erased the information and you will need to put it back on the router. Then you should be able to use the same type of static ip address assignment to facilitate port forwarding or whatever it is you want to do, as you have used before from the site that you referenced in your original post.

Well, what happened is when I started up Windows 7, it automatically created a connection to the internet. I thought that was really strange because I hadn't typed in my username or password from my ISP. So I deleted the connection that was created automatically and tried to create one myself (stupid idea in retrospect).
So now what I currently have is something like this in the Network Center: (note that I'm translating these from Japanese so the words I use might not be the same as the English version of windows but should have the same meaning so you should be able to figure out what it is)
DTI......................Access Type: Internet
Public Network ......Connection: DTI

Network ............... Access Type: No Internet Access
Home Network .......Home Group: Connected
............................Connection: Local Area Network

If I click on the "Change Adapter Settings" link it looks something like this:
DTI..................................... Local Area Network
DTI ....................... ............ Network
WAN Miniport (PPPoE)............ Realtek RTL8168B/8111B Fa....

After checking my router, it does already have the Username and Password given to me entered in it (screenshot below). But it must have been created by the Windows XP system because if I try to manually type the information in, it says the password contains an invalid symbol (#) and it won't accept it, even though that symbol is part of the password.
Another interesting thing is that even though I'm currently going through the router to connect to the internet, the router is saying I'm not connected. Even the lights on the front of the router aren't showing up to say I'm connected.

So, it seems I screwed things up pretty badly, but do you happen to have any idea of what I could do to fix it?

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I am not sure that the implementation of PPPoE provided by your ISP is identical to the ones I'm familar with here in the U.S.
But this is what I would do here to resolve a similar issue.
1. Contact the ISP and confirm that the information that I am using regarding username and password for PPPoE on the router's wan interface is accurate and in keeping with their general practices.
2. Because we are dealing with a possible language issue, I would type my password into notepad, examine it and make sure that it is correct according to the information that I had just confirmed from my ISP and then copy and paste it into the appropriate password box on the router screen using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V
3. Then I would open device manager, expand network adapters, select them all one at a time and uninstall them, I don't believe that I would choose to delete the drivers (you may be prompted, just don't choose to include the drivers in the uninstall) now type ncpa.cpl into the search box and make sure that there are no network adapters being shown on the resultant page, also check IE8, internet options, connections tab and make sure there is not anything in the DialUp / VPN connections box, if there is select and delete, then shut down the computer.
4. Then perform a whole network restart. Turn off the router (unplug it ), turn off / unplug the isp provided device. Wait for a minute. Then (make sure that the cable from your ISP provided device is plugged into the WAN port on the router) restart the isp provided device and wait until it's up and steady green. Then the router, same thing wait till it completes it's boot process and the appropriate lights are on. Then the computer, wait till the installing software for new hardware completes, then open the network and sharing center and see what is showing

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You're a genius! After completing the steps, I'm connected to the internet without doing anything, what I have is:
Network and Sharing Center:

Network.....................Access Type: Internet
Home Network............Home Group: Connected
................................Connection: Local Area Network

Change Adapter Settings:

Local Area Network
Realtek RTL8168B/8111B Fa....

Also, my router is showing I'm connected to the internet now! Thank you very much for the help!
Is it safe to try making a static IP again using the site I linked before?

I'm reasonably confident that it would be fine. I would feel a lot better if you had posted a ipconfig /all of your current connection, but the language issue would just kick my butt anyway. So, just make sure you know the scope of the IP addresses that are being handed out by your router, and pick one outside of that scope so there is no potential for conflicts with other network nodes later, probably something up high like would be fine then make sure everything else is the same....subnet mask default gateway and DNS server preferred, there is no need to repeat the same addressed in alternate just leave it blank. Should work fine.
Glad to see you are good to go and thanks for posting back your resolution.

Thanks again for the help, I succeeded in creating a static IP!
The only thing I did different than what you said is that I used the two DNS servers provided by my ISP. But everything works fine!

Way better idea, sometimes pointing at the router for DNS resolution can cause issues, if it has a problem forwarding DNS queries, so pointing at your ISP's DNS servers is a lot better.
