
New Member
Oct 22, 2009
It is common knowledge that PC sales are down and unlike previous years where a new OS release from Microsoft helped boost PC sales; Windows 8 has done the opposite. The problem is that new PCs come with win 8 pre installed. It would make more sense to either allow the buyer to choose between win 7 and win 8 or to have win 7 pre installed with the option to upgrade to win 8.

Forcing new PC buyers to use win 8 has proven to be a bad move as win 8 is very suitable for touch screen tablets and smart phones but is very unsuitable for PCs.

I know that win 8 has advantages over win 7 in the security area but other than that win 7 is the better choice for PCs.

Somehow this new trend of forcing the market may in theory work on paper but reality has shown otherwise!

I think Microsoft should reconsider her strategy! :upset:

This argument is moot. MS has made a business decision and I do not believe they will change that decision. It is up to the OEM distributor which OS is pre-installed on their PCs.

The entire market place is slowly moving to tablets and touch enabled devices, and away from conventional PCs. That is why the sales of conventional PCs is down. The OEMs have not yet released sufficient quantities of the new style devices to keep sales at the level they were 3 years ago.

The other really big factor influencing sales is the world economy. With the economy so depressed people have other priorities such as food, rent, etc. And with extremists wishing to keep the economy in the toilet, changing this will be difficult. With world governments having to spend so much money protecting their citizens from these extremists, there is not enough left to fix the other things.

Sorry for the political dissertation. These discussions just seem non-productive IMO.

This repeated, beleaguered rhetoric is so old it is more than worn out nor does it accomplish anything. New Operating Systems materialize (supposed to be every 3 yrs) and when released, new hardware will carry that new OS. No different from the past or the future. It is not a matter of "forcing" anything on people, anymore than when a new phone, car or anything else hits the market. Just the way of the world not, a conspiracy.

This notion some try to propagate is not correct... "win 8 is very suitable for touch screen tablets and smart phones but is very unsuitable for PCs."

This one is both not correct & too subjective to be promoted as something (other) people should feel or accept.

As others have said, say the Serenity Prayer, & move forward w/ worthwhile input that actually helps people in positive ways. Such rhetoric, certainly @ this point in time, if ever over the past year are stale & unproductive.

plus, there is irony, as millions are going w/ Windows 8 and more & more what we are hearing, both in Forums and in person is people liking or coming to like & be impressed w/ Windows 8.

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One other point on lagging sales I haven't seen mentioned is hardware development has slowed to a point where an average user doesn't need to replace a computer as fast. It used to be you bought a topline PC and in a year or so it was a dog. Now many of those improvments like chipsets, ram and HD speed and size aren't as noticable except to high end users like gamers.

Plus, Joe, since Windows 8 is happy on some many devices one can grab the Upgrade rather than (have to) geta new machine for it. $40 is a lot more attractive amount to spend to have a terrific new OS then buying a new computer.

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I just got a brand new Win8 a couple of weeks ago. At first I was thinking Win8 stunk. But now, I like it better. There are still some issues I'm coming across that have been a pain to find. There are issues with trying to find the way to change settings etc...that have to be learned. I had the option to get a Win7, but I wanted the newest edition. Once you get used to it, it is slightly better, although it should come with a HOW TO series of videos, since it is such a big step up.

I just got a brand new Win8 a couple of weeks ago. At first I was thinking Win8 stunk. But now, I like it better. There are still some issues I'm coming across that have been a pain to find. There are issues with trying to find the way to change settings etc...that have to be learned. I had the option to get a Win7, but I wanted the newest edition. Once you get used to it, it is slightly better, although it should come with a HOW TO series of videos, since it is such a big step up.

I was at the point your are now during the early beta testing period. During those days Win 8 was not nearly as polished as it has become, and there were no tutorials available. That's one reason why I did put together my tutorial on Taking the scary out (It's one of the Sticky Threads kemical has linked).

At that point I had some choice words (not printable here) about Win 8. I was extremely happy with Win 7 with some minor irritations. But I was persistent and eventually came to really appreciate Win 8.

I no longer have Win 7 on any of my PCs, and most likely never will again (I did make Images before I deleted Win 7)

Thanks guys. I am glad there are some videos to watch. I really appreciate it.

Amen to that! I have not really found about Windows I dislike about Windows 8. I like the two ways of operating the machine, and it's lighter on memory as far as I can see. I hope it gets even better as time goes by!

OK! I know this is a windows 8 only forum and absolutely no negative criticism of win 8 is allowed but really guys!!!! You won't accept anything wrong about win 8 as if you owned the rights to it! Anyway Best be moving on to another windows 8 forum where people actually discuss the negatives of win 8 and do not just dish out praise as if it is the best thing God made! Bye! :)

Good riddance then. There has been much discussion, good and bad, about Win 8 here. If you actually spend the time reading the various threads contained herein you will find plenty of negative opinions about some of the features in Win 8. Most of us did not start out liking Win 8 either, but after really using it for every day work we have come to appreciate it. Heck there are even many articles linked automatically on negative reviews.

When we read a negative comment, if we have some info to repudiate that comment then we will post it. That is how free expression works. These forums are basically technical forums where we discuss technical issues and provide technical info on fixing problems. There have been so many discussions on opinions of Win 8 that after a while it just sounds like a broken record repeating over and over and over. . . .

So I say again, good-bye. Go if you must. We also do not try to keep members that do not wish to be here.

The irony is that whilst he keeps accusing people of being closed, blind or deaf to alleged or supposed negatives, he treats any positives expressed the same way. Discussion & exchange on ANY topic is a 2-way street. Whilst he expects people to think like him & accept what he says carte blanche he is not open to any rebuttal or corrections given by or from others.

Yet, on an 'up' note, I am noticing more & more (even from some that weren't so sure @ 1st) comments from people saying they like & are impressed w/ Windows 8. And well they should ;)

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Now that was very helpful. I posted on it in your other thread. So maybe I will be cleaning up some of the icon clutter off of my desktop.

Cool :) Must be "in your other thread" where I just gave you the instructions for creating the Applications window.

Yeah, I hate 'clutter' coving up my nice screen photos. I keep collecting them from photo.net & elsewhere, they change every few seconds & are way to nice to have icons all over them... plus it's just simpler & tidy. Also, any list, Desktop Toolbar, Links, et al, can be in alphabetical order; just Rt Clk on any item of said list & hit Sort by Name.

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