Windows 7 Problems after installing RC1


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Hi guys, as i didnt find any real answers about this, i will ask in my own post.

From my experience with win7 x64, for me the best version was 7000, no doubt about it.

Since i installed RC1 x64, on the same system, i get unstable system. Sometimes windows explorer stop responding, for example if i donwload some file, it will stop responding at the save to dialogue box, sometimes i will need to restart windows explorer several times until im able to save the file.

Another issue is with Window Live MEssenger, sometimes it will stop respondig a few seconds after i log in, need to restart it a lot of times, other times, i can use it for hours without any issues....

My drivers are updated, i really dont know why this happens, but started in RC1.

My system is:

Gigabyte GA-G1975x
Pentium D 805 - 2.66 Ghz
4Gb DDR2
ATI x850Pro 256mb PCie x16
3 SATA hard drives
1 External 500 Gb USB drive
one PCI card installed, Avermedia Tv capture card, but not using cause no drivers for it, should i better remove it from the system?

The same system was running without any issues on win7 beta 7000

Thanks for any tips

It looks like you are experiencing some stability issues on Windows 7 RC1 x64 compared to the Windows 7 Beta 7000 version. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve these problems:

1. Driver Compatibility:
- Even though you mentioned that your drivers are updated, there still might be compatibility issues with certain drivers and Windows 7 RC1. You could try rolling back to the previous driver versions or checking for any beta versions of drivers specifically designed for Windows 7 RC1.

2. Windows Updates:
- Make sure you have installed all the available Windows updates for Windows 7 RC1. Updates often include bug fixes and stability improvements that could address the issues you are facing.

3. Check for System Errors:
- Check the Event Viewer (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer) for any error messages or warnings that might provide more information about the cause of the instability.

4. System Resources:
- Monitor your system resources (CPU, RAM, Disk Usage) to see if there are any spikes or unusual consumption that might be causing the system instability.

5. Hardware Components:
- Remove the Avermedia TV capture card temporarily to see if its presence is causing any conflicts or issues with the system stability.

6. Windows Live Messenger Troubleshooting:
- If Windows Live Messenger is causing issues, you could try reinstalling it or using an alternative messaging application to see if the problem persists.

7. Performance Troubleshooting:
- Run Windows built-in performance troubleshooter (Control Panel > Troubleshooting > View All > Performance) to identify and fix any performance issues that could be impacting system stability.

8. Clean Boot:
- Perform a clean boot to start Windows with the minimum set of drivers and startup programs. This can help identify if a third-party application or service is causing the instability.

9. System Restore:
- If all else fails, consider using System Restore to revert your system back to a point where it was more stable.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and potentially resolve the stability issues you are encountering on Windows 7 RC1 x64.
