Windows 7 problems upgrading from Vista x64


New Member
Mar 14, 2009
I have an older system currently running Vista Home Premium x64. It is a Biostar K8NHA Grand nForce 3 250 chipset board, Athlon 64 3400+ (2.4Ghz) CPU, 2Gb ram, MSI GeForce 7600GT 512mb AGP video card, Maxtor 340Gb IDE HD and an NEC IDE DVD burner. Runs Vista x64 fine, only used connected to a TV for streaming Netflix, online TV shows, etc.

When trying to install Win 7 RC x64 after I click on the install screen, I get a message saying it needs a driver for the CD/DVD device. I have pointed it to look in the Vista system32/drivers, an nVidia folder with IDE drivers but it keeps telling me no driver found. Why would 7 need a driver for a standard IDE device? It reads the hard drive OK so I am assuming it has some IDE interface controller installed. I had uninstalled the anti-virus program in Vista before I ran the 7 RC install just in case.


I have the same problem with a DVD burner LG GSA-4040B.
I cant install windows 7 and i think that we need replace ALL hardware like vista? (scanner printer, cam, webcam, bluetooth...:mad:)


I would do a "clean install", rather than upgrade.

Upgrading seems to be a problem in many posts here.

I know there was a thread about this issue, but I can't locate it.

From my search, I found that older CD/DVD Roms give this error.

Do you happen to have 2 CD/DVD Rom drives?

You could pull out the DVD Rom drive and switch the jumpers from Master to Slave or Slave to Master depending on what it's set at.

Microsoft has a knowledge Base article on this problem for Vista and they actually have a tool to download that will fix the problem, otherwise you would have to do a registry hack.

Look over the article and download it here:
Your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs

Yeah I found some info about swapping the CD/DVD drive to slave (may have been here or on the MS Win7 forum). Anyway I just now repartitioned the hard drive, am reinstalling Vista on that system now and will try installing 7 RC as a clean install in another partition after that's done.


Thanks for your reply, but i dont see solution.
To install Windows 7 on clean installation, i need to format the hdd, but the unit isnt recognize and stop in step 1 after click on the install now button. (running on DOS, not inside windows)
I cant Format the hdd.
DVD drive is in master and alone.
And the link not resolve my problem. I cant enter on windows, i cant install, i cant enter on regedit. :redface:
be attentive to your responses.

On install, choose the second option and it will format the drive for you

Did you change the jumpers?

Do you try the USB salutation?
