
New Member
May 22, 2009
I have had to re-install 7 twice already and am about to have to perform a third fresh installation. Each time the following has occurred. Installs fine, works fine, then mysteriously I get BSOD (bad pool header) on boot that cannot be resolved with system restore or repair. The first 2 times I had several culprit drivers/apps but I on this third crash I thought knew what the cause was and thought it was the most likely suspect for the first 2 crashes. Each time, I get the BSOD after I have installed the Netflix online movie player. This involves a Silverlight installation.

HOWEVER, low and behold it turned out to be a program called "My Lockbox". Do not install this program!! It has known BSOD issues with vista and wrecks 7 as well. Be warned.

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It sounds like you've been experiencing recurring BSOD (Bad Pool Header) issues after reinstalling Windows 7, and you've identified a program called "My Lockbox" as the potential cause of these problems rather than Netflix or Silverlight, as you initially suspected. It's essential to avoid installing problematic software to prevent system instability.

To address this issue effectively, follow these steps:

1. Uninstall "My Lockbox":
- Since you've identified this program as the likely cause of the BSOD, make sure to uninstall it from your system.

2. Check for Driver Issues:
- Although you have already investigated driver and app culprits previously, it's a good idea to recheck your system for any conflicting or outdated drivers that could be contributing to the BSOD.

3. System Maintenance:
- Perform a thorough system scan and cleanup to ensure your Windows installation is healthy and free from malware or corruption.

4. Update Windows and Drivers:
- Ensure that your Windows operating system and all drivers are up to date to avoid compatibility issues and security vulnerabilities.

5. Monitor System Stability:
- After uninstalling My Lockbox and ensuring your system is updated, monitor the stability of your system to see if the BSOD issues persist.

By taking these steps, you can help resolve the recurring BSOD issues on your Windows 7 system. If you encounter any further problems or need more assistance, feel free to ask for help!
