Windows 10 Remove a directory from backup?


Active Member
May 27, 2016
OK this is a fairly simple question I think- but it's kinda hard to google for-

So, I have a backup drive using windows 10's standard backup to an external drive. But I accidentally included a directory that I didn't want to, because it's too big, and now the drive is maxed; full. How do I remove it? I tried putting an exception for it in now, but it just tells me I can't run another backup because the drive is full.

How do I remove a directory from an existing backup drive?

rotwang first of all welcome to the forum
no computer question is a simple question to answer where you trying to do, since you cannot re-create one and the same drive ,do you have an external hard drive or copy it in your c:/dirve temporary that you can copy.backup I hope I understood your question correctly if not please let me know thanks

Just drill down in the backup and delete it.

Omg I'm embarrased. I thought the format of the files and folders was different because it just says "Filehistory". But yea when I drilled into it was obvious. Ha, sorry, I've never used the backup feature before, thanks,


hi rotwang,

Also keep in mind that the Microsoft backup you are using is not suitable for recovery from a catastrophic event such as a total Windows Corruption or a Hard Drive failure.:noway: It's best to use a 3rd party Image Backup program for this such as these 3 we've tested with W10:

The MS backup does not produce reliable Image Backups, but it will produce file/folder backups that are ok, if you can figure them out. The problem occurs, that if you do not have a regularly schedule backup of critical files/folders on your computer being done automatically you are at risk of extreme data loss!:eek: Many of my customers forget this, and when their hard drive crashes, and a brand new one is installed by a repair shop Tech and the computer comes back; they realize that the last backup they have that works to restore the files/folders that were critical was done 2 years ago!:eek: Everything the computer Owner put on the crashed hard drive is now completely gone!:zoned:

Good luck,

In the past I seem to remember with Windows Backup you had to install Windows first and then restore the image file to bring back the rest of what was on the pc. I had heard that now Windows image Files made by the Backup Program are like other third party programs now.

But that said I am with everyone else as over the years Windows Backup had that screwy restore and also it took way longer to make and restore image files that Macrium or Acronis and the last thing I remember and don't know if it is still true is it does not allow image files to be made on optical disks either but again I do not know if that is still true.


Hi I'm a big fan of HTG and I use them often. This is what they say about the windows back up image feature. I don't see a big change? W8.1 W10. A little change in W7.1;)
Link Removed

Well guys, if you had to put your job on the line, or your life on the line depending on a Microsoft Image Backup to restore your PC to normal health operation with 0% data loss; you wouldn't like the result!:ohno: I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Microsoft Backup & Microsoft Image Backup have failed to do the job with all their media options available. I've tried the DVD, USB flash drive, and external hard drive options. We W10 Insider Testers tested it extensively with W10 Preview & RTM in a large variety of hardware (desktop PCs, laptops, & tablets) globally. We did have some fellows tell us it worked for them, but as you all know, I don't recommend processes, programs, or apps that can't reproduce results mentioned elsewhere!! I've had troubles with ALL Microsoft backup and backup image programs going back to Win95 and prior. In every Fortune500 company I did IT work for *including IBM*; we did extensive testing on the Microsoft backup programs, and in every case, they failed to perform to business standards.:down: In every case it was replaced by 3rd party solutions. If you wish to continue recommending MS Image Backup to users, go right ahead, but I will have to jump in and jump on those recommendations as unreliable-sorry!!

My 2 cents.

Hi BBJ! I wasn't recommending windows back up image feature. I was just correcting a reply made by another member.
You know me BBJ. I've always been a Macrium guy. I've been using Macrium for 12 years. I do think the w10 image feature is better now, but I'm staying with Macrium. The only thing good I see about the windows image feature is that it's easier for PC users to use!

No worries, Gary!:up: I think our thinking is pretty much on the same page here. I just want to make sure that folks aren't putting their critical personal information into a backup platform that isn't going to give them the result they are expecting!!:hide:


Like BBJ I long ago gave up testing Microsoft Backup solutions for either being too complicated or time consuming.
I just never saw a reason to try them again after XP because like the rest of you I am happy with Macrium though I do not use the free version because I must have incrementals. I must admit Macrium is the only free one I have seen that is full featured and also clones drives as well.
I started in this game with Drive Image from Power Quest back in Win98 where we were restoring image files all the time and it never failed me.
In the same time period I used Ghost but it took more time and the interface was always difficult to understand yet they were the first ones to have versions that worked from Windows because when I started we were using Drive Image on floppy disks and same way with Partition Magic.
Symantec eventually bought PQ and then trashed Ghost and took Drive Image for their own up until they discontinued it a year or so ago.
After Symantec bought Power Quest I moved to Acronis and I had been a beta tester for PQ and then Acronis for years. I never had a failure with Acronis until Windows 8 and that sent me scurrying over to Macrium because Macrium had a Windows rescue disk when no one else did and it was the Linux rescue disks causing many failures in Windows 8 backup creation programs. Linux rescue disks could not be seen by many Windows 8 environments yet Acronis kept releasing new versions that claimed to work with Windows 8 but just didn't. I also began to think that Acronis was trying to be all things to all people and their interfaces were getting more and more confusing and cumbersome. I still use Acronis for cloning though as I find it immensely easier to understand than Macrium for that.
