Windows 7 Right click on taskbar how to change?


New Member
Oct 26, 2009
Hello everyone,

I have joined here to ask about Window 7's new taskbar, to be more specific the right click (alt click).

In all the past windows versions I have used (Including Vista) I used to be able to right click and press close, all within very little to no mouse movement, in 7 it's miles out of the way and is extremely annoying.

I noticed if I hold shift and then right click it gives the old menu which I prefer, is there any way to set this as default without holding shift?

It's enough to make me want to go back to Vista to be honest (sorry!) but I hope it can be fixed easily, I just can't see an option anywhere!



Hummm... I'm having trouble trying to understand what you mean... I get the SAME menu but with more options if I DON'T hold my shift key for the old style menu. Like pin.... and private browsing... which stores no personal info while browsing. You got to be kidding if you want to dump windows because the taskbar has new features.

I think you need to right click on an empty space on the task bar .... click on Properties and select NEVER combine.

The new aero features with the task bar make is miles and miles EASIER to just hover over any open window and see a full screen image.... way way easier than all the clicking under Vista.

I think you need to experiment and find out what is available to you. You will NOT want to go...
Hummm... I'm having trouble trying to understand what you mean... I get the SAME menu but with more options if I DON'T hold my shift key for the old style menu. Like pin.... and private browsing... which stores no personal info while browsing. You got to be kidding if you want to dump windows because the taskbar has new features.

I think you need to right click on an empty space on the task bar .... click on Properties and select NEVER combine.

The new aero features with the task bar make is miles and miles EASIER to just hover over any open window and see a full screen image.... way way easier than all the clicking under Vista.

I think you need to experiment and find out what is available to you. You will NOT want to go back to Vista when you actually understand the options you now have available.

Try Winkey + TAB and be dazzled.... keep pressing tab.


Sorry, I mean I want to be able to right click on a taskbar program and click close program with left click, moving my mouse only very, very little movement to click on close) I'm just used to having it very close and to the right, it's very fast to close programs like this.

I have no use for the extra functions, as I don't pin or anything else (I don't like this feature after trying, just is no need for me)

You can see an example of this by holding shift and then pressing right click on a taskbar program.

Everything else is to my taste (like not having it collapsed) I never really liked the peek stuff etc, not a fan at all, wasn't with the new stuff on Vista either. Speed is my priority, not clicking all over the place to get to somewhere.


Sorry, I mean I want to be able to right click on a taskbar program and click close program with left click, moving my mouse only very, very little movement to click on close) I'm just used to having it very close and to the right, it's very fast to close programs like this.

I have no use for the extra functions, as I don't pin or anything else (I don't like this feature after trying, just is no need for me)

You can see an example of this by holding shift and then pressing right click on a taskbar program.

Everything else is to my taste (like not having it collapsed) I never really liked the peek stuff etc, not a fan at all, wasn't with the new stuff on Vista either. Speed is my priority, not clicking all over the place to get to somewhere.

Aero requires NO ... 0 clicking .. the old vista method requires "clicking all over the place to get somewhere"

You apprently have something totally different from anything I've ever seen. The difference between close on either menu is miniscule.. almost nothing..... just press Alt + F4 if you really want to close an open program fast. I can close 20 open winows with Alt F4 berore you could close a couple with a mouse.

If the hover delay is too slow and holding you back you can use this registry tweak to make it INSTANT and remove any delay:

Here is a reg tweek to remove the delay when you mouse
over the open programs tabs on the task bar:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;remove aero mouse over delay
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]

I'm not trying to convince you to like the new options but from what you are saying I'm pretty convinced you don't understand the possiblities. I'll try to explain....

First, minimize this window you are reading in then..... open it.. as you normally would.. then go to the top and minimise it again... that is a slow tedious processrequiring what you hate.. clicking all over the place..... compared to this..

Minimze this window then hover over it with your curson on the taskbar.... and move silghtly upward to touch the aero thumbnail.... it magically DISPLAYS the open window image.. move your cursor to another thumbnail and it will magically display the open window image of that window. Notice you aren't fumbling around with moving the mouseall the way to the the tiny minimize option or doing ANY clicking.. this is way way way faster (and speed is what you want.) than the old method.
