Windows 7 Saving a new Theme in Powerpoint


New Member
Jun 30, 2016
Powerpoint is saving my file when I try to save a new theme but the page is blank when I try to apply the new theme.

I have used two .png files in the theme and a shape but I don't think this can be the problem

Im very stuck for ideas and would really appreciate some help

Thanks in advace

What version of Office?

I don't recommend using .png graphics files in PowerPoint; there are known issues there. I would use a program such as Paintshop Pro or to convert them to .jpg or .gif format and then re-test and re-save your theme. If it doesn't work with graphics files of that format, your PowerPoint is broken and needs to be repaired.:( You can uninstall and reinstall your PowerPoint from CD media if you have it, that will often fix the problem. If it doesn't, you may have a script-virus that often comes in the form of an infected attachment via E-mail. If you get to that point you should scan with your built-in antivirus program and download the free Malwarebytes antispyware scanner from Detecting a script-virus that is office specific and removing it may then fix that problem. Don't forget to make sure all your personal data on that computer is backed up to external media prior to running the virus repairs, as some types of script-viruses can cause irretrievable data loss upon disinfection.

Good luck,
