Windows 7 Screen goes funny after launching sims2 and doesnt go back untill restarted


New Member
Oct 20, 2010
Please help me. When i launch a game, any game, without a disc (using deamon) the screen blacks out, and after a moment all the icons on the screen are oversized. I dont know if thats windows 7 doesnt support such files, but from what i have read, many people have problems with games on windows 7.
Please help
Caroline x


It sounds like the game is changing the resolution on your monitor and not changing it back.

I.e the game is set to run at 1024 by 768 and you monitor is set to 1600 by 900 in Windows.
When you start the game is switches to the game resolution but for some reason doesn't set it back when you are done.

Try setting the game to run at the same resolution that you are using for your desktop and see what happens.

Michell is right updating your drivers might fix this.

Hello, and welcome to Windows 7 Forums :)

Have you ensured that you have the latest graphics drivers and patches installed for Sims 2?


It sounds like the game is changing the resolution on your monitor and not changing it back.

I.e the game is set to run at 1024 by 768 and you monitor is set to 1600 by 900 in Windows.
When you start the game is switches to the game resolution but for some reason doesn't set it back when you are done.

Try setting the game to run at the same resolution that you are using for your desktop and see what happens.

Michell is right updating your drivers might fix this.

