
I've had this computer since december, and have only ever had Vista on it. I got a new hard drive thats about a month old. Its been working fine as my storage, but when I try to use the search feature, no files show up. I'm computer literate, and know I am searching correctly. I also check to search for non indexed files, with no results still.

My searches work perfectly fine on my origional hard drive, that also has windows installed. Also, if I plus in a USB or external hard drive, the search works fine on those as well. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! Thanks!
If I were you, I'll try to go into the Advanced options and try restoring defaults so the index will automatically be set to default or rebuild the index.
Try opening the control panel clicking 'system and maintenance' and then 'Indexing Options'. You should be able to add the new HDD location to the index list. Hope that helps..
Thanks for your reply! Here is a picture of what I went to. If this was what you were talking about, it didn't seem to help. If I might not have done it right, or if there are any more ideas, please let me know! Thanks again.

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Yup I did mean there....So I guess it didn't work?... Hmm...Try right clicking the 'start' button and choosing properties. If you then click 'customize' and scroll down to where it says 'Search entire index', tick that.. Hopefully that'll do the trick.
I tried that but it didn't seem to help either. Search still works fine on the main drive, and external/flash drives so I'm stumped too. My secondary HDD is a 500gb Western Digital SCSI and as I said works perfectly normal minus the search feature. Any other ideas would be great, and thanks again for taking the time to help
I don't have the index on in my setup so I cannot test it but - Have you tried right clicking the drive in Windows Explorer, select properties and under the general tab, "Index this file for faster searching. (It's a small square at the bottom left)
I checked, and do have indexing checked. I would think though, that indexing has nothing to do with it ( though im no vista expert ) since I have the option to search for files that are not indexed, and still have 0 results.
If I were you, I'll try to go into the Advanced options and try restoring defaults so the index will automatically be set to default or rebuild the index.