Windows 7 Sleep Feature Improved in Windows 7


New Member
Jul 7, 2009
You have probably heard of the sleep feature improvement which lets the computer only power its memory and use less than 1W on a mobile PC and less than 3W on a desktop PC. But even greater is the ability to put your computer to sleep, turn the power off completely, and then in any time turn the power back on and have your system resumed exactly as you left it with all the windows open and games running. Very convenient sometimes.

Surprised not to see this new feature mentioned anywhere.

That is exactly how it works for me , Stue. The fans stop twirling and then there is a pop of thing shutting down and all the lights go off.
Have you configured the sleep button in the Power options - Power saver, particularly for the sleep button?
Do you mean mentioned here, or generally?
It was periods. Microsoft themselves discussed pretty widely in the early testing and pre release era. Microsoft themselves used it as a gimmick for one of the major improvements.
Here is one of the blogs. Scroll down to "What about turning my PC off?"

Engineering Windows 7 : Windows 7 Energy Efficiency

I measured it on a power consumption meter, and whilst I was unable to read the exact figure, it was extremely low.

Does this thing actually work good? With previous versions of Windows I was unhappy with the way a computer comes out of hibernation or sleep. So I've always disabled them. I just leave my computer turned on and just turn off the monitor manually. But if this thing actually works right I might be willing to give it a try. I did have a Hard Drive fail after only about 7 years a while back and maybe if I used sleep mode they would last longer.

Well, I have a better than average(?) knowledge of how computers operate, but frankly it is still a function I am tring to investigate.
When my (Win 7 RTM9 goes to sleep. Every light is off. Blue tooth, infra red, hard disks etc. A touch on the on/off key on my laptop springs it into life in about 2 seconds. I cannot find any reference as to where it is hiding the info that it is not really off!!!!!!!

I tried it out. I pushed the "Sleep Button" on my keyboard. Then I couldn't figure out how to wake it back up. I tried the "power button", the "sleep button" and a few other buttons on my keyboard. Nothing worked. I finally had to do a hard shut down to get out of it. How's this supposed to work?

Update: all my lights and the fan stayed on.

That is exactly how it works for me , Stue. The fans stop twirling and then there is a pop of thing shutting down and all the lights go off.
Have you configured the sleep button in the Power options - Power saver, particularly for the sleep button?

I set it to "never" go to sleep automatically but I left the sleep button set to "sleep".

Is pushing the power button the way to wake it up? Mine wouldn't wake up at all.

If my wife's laptop is on battery it will go to sleep after a time. You have to push the power button then it wakes up to the "Welcome Screen".

I am not having a problem, on two different Laptops. Yes I jusy press the power button briefly and it returns to the normal desktop.
Here are my two settings.

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Yeah mine has a problem with waking up. The only way I can get out of it is to hard shut down. It might be something in my hardware. Maybe it's in the RC. It's not something I'll miss since I've never used it. No biggy.

Thanks RAK.
